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"So Ms Cabello if you may and would like to proceed with the processing of these papers please sign at the bottom of the page and if you have any more questions regarding to your new contract please do not hesitate on asking before you sign anything." The producer of the new recording company that Camila just landed on instructed and waited for the young woman to sign the papers that were presented in front of her.

Since they all called it quits, Camila have been heavily involved in the music industry as a solo artist. The group that they once called Fifth Harmony broke up due to Camila's lack of presence in the group events, concerts and interviews. She also had a heavy involvement with other superstars making and creating her own music behind the other girls' back. Despite the fact that Camila have been caught several times coming in and out of various recording studios, she denied all the rumours about her going solo up until the day that Fifth Harmony announced their split.

"Camila?" Taylor nudged her lightly on the side to bring Camila back to reality, the younger one have been tuning out the entire time they discussed about her new up coming project.

"Oh yeah... umm... I'm sorry... where were we?" Camila asked, not having a clue as to where she left off.

"The papers?" The middle aged man pointed to the papers in front of Camila still waiting for her to sign the papers.

"Yeah okay... umm..." Camila runs her fingers quickly through her hair and grabbed the pen off the table. "Here." She signed the papers and pushed the papers lightly to the man who sat across her.

"Thank you and welcome to Universal Music Group." The man stood up and offered a hand for Camila to shake.

Camila smiled forcefully and shook the man's hand in front of her firmly.

"Congratulations." Taylor smiled at Camila on their way out of the boardroom. "Welcome to the world of solo artists." She added.

Camila nodded her head and smiled at Taylor.

"Are you okay?" She asked concern.

"Yeah, I just need to go home and get some rest. I'll talk to you soon." Camila avoided the gaze that Taylor gave her and quickly made her way out of the building and into her car to drive back to her apartment.

On the way back to her apartment, all that Camila could think about is how on earth could she just disappoint her old band members and walk away just like that. How could she just leave the people that she cared for without giving them any acceptable reason nor the apology that they deserved for all of those times when she threw tanturms and went M.I.A for most of their events. How could Camila just trun her back from Lauren just like that.

Tears were now on the verge of falling from Camila's eyes, emotions are now starting to build up in the back of her throat as she gets a quick but vivid memory between Lauren and her.


"What do you want Camila?" Lauren asked, her voice now trembling as she tries to stop herself from showing emotions in front of the girl that she loved. "Tell me. What do you want?" She repeated.

"I don't know what I want Lauren." Camila answered simply, her gaze never breaking Lauren's.

"It's a simple fucking question Camila. What do you fucking want?" Lauren repeated more harshly this time, her tears were now flowing freely from her eyes, this time she finally allows herself to cry. "It's not that you don't know what you want, it's that you choose not to tell anybody about what you want." Lauren ran her fingers through her hair quickly and shifted her weight after leaning on the counter of the apartment that they are staying at the moment.

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