Chapter 2- Alec, Austin and Andrew

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My head is throbbing in pain and I can't move. My body is so stiff and my muscles feel as though I ran for hours yesterday. I try to get up and my leg gives out, causing me to howl in agony. Pulling my pant leg up, I see that my upper calf is wrapped and bandaged, with red stains seeping through. I also see bandages on my fingertips, and my favorite t-shirt is stained with dirt and blood. I look around for the mirror on my dresser to see my face and that's when I notice.

I am not in my room.

I hear footsteps and try to get back on the bed as fast as possible, pretending to still be asleep. The door unlocks and someone comes in. The stranger picks me up and I suddenly remember what happened. The walk in the park, the knife in my leg, the police officer. I try to hold the tears back, making sure no one knows that I was awake. Next thing I know, I'm thrown on the floor, knocking the breath out of me. I take deep breaths, trying to stay calm when I hear voices.

"Damn Alec. How much Chloroform did you give her?"

"I don't know. I just poured some on a napkin and held it to her. She's supposed to be up by now." he said and I remember the voice clearly. He was the man on the phone.

"Yeah, well- looks like she's dead." He gives me a faint kick to my better leg. I tell myself not to move, for my life most likely depends on it. What were they going to do to me? Rape me? Kill me? Oh God. I silently start praying to God to save me.

"She's going to wake up Drew. Give her some time. In fact, I think she's awake now." I hear footsteps coming my way, and shut my eyes again. But it was too late. I was being picked up and carried into another room and angrily tossed in a chair. Before I could protest, Andrew had tied my hands to the arm rests, drawing blood. I look at Alec, his golden-brown eyes trying not to look at me. His shaggy blonde hair makes him seem a few years older than me, if not my own age. I then look at Andrew and he looks just like Alec. Even though his hair was shorter and spiked, he had the same eyes. Did I have twins kidnap me?

After Andrew finishes tying me up, he and Alec leave the room, locking the door behind them. I take a look around the room, and see a table. Since I couldn't see what was on it, I started scooting the chair towards the table. It didn't make that much of a noise so I figured the boys weren't going to come running in. Once I reach the table, I see scissors, blades, ice picks and many more sharp objects.

They were going to kill me. They were going to cut me into little pieces. They were going to eat me, or worse, cook me alive and then eat me. They were going to chop my head off and feed it to the dogs. They were going to cut my tongue out so I couldn't scream. They were going to murder me and make it look as if it were an accident. Oh God, they were-

I hear the door unlocking and scoot back into the spot the chair was before. Alec and Andrew walk in together, along with another boy right behind them. Austin, I'm presuming, was walking towards me and although the room was very dark, I could still see his eyes. His golden-brown eyes. Were they all related? What was going on here? Why are they doing this to me?

"So, I hear that we had a little mishap with a police officer yesterday. Care to elaborate Ms. Stevens?" he asked me, picking up the ice pick from the table and walking towards me. I was about to speak when he grabbed my face and held the ice pick a mere inch from my eye. My breathing quickened, and I couldn't speak. A smile slowly started forming on Austin's face, now understanding why. He was trying to scare me and I was actually giving him what I wanted. I close my eyes, take a deep breath.

Time to see if these old acting classes finally paid off.

I smile back at Austin and lean forward, making sure my eye wasn't too close to the ice pick. As I stare down at Austin, I get a better look at him and of course he has the same blonde hair and Alec and Andrew. His hair is short, but not in spikes as Andrew's. He also had a few freckles around his nose and cheeks. The look on Austin's face almost seems that he is surprised by my action. He looks at his brothers and sits the ice pick down, only to pick up a piece of paper. He hands the crumbled paper to Alec, mumbles something in his ear and proceeds out of the room. Andrew walks up to me and I read what the paper says.

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