6. Who's the Reel Hero?

Start from the beginning

Rosalina: Ok.

Rosalina and Daisy: *look at what Birdo is texting*

(Inside Birdo's text...)

(Hey, it's V. What's up girl?)

(Just on a competition.)

(Oh ya. LOL Y got what he deserved.)

(Yoshi? Eh, I kinda liked him.)


(Back in reality...)

Daisy: You liked Birdo?

Birdo: I am Birdo.

Daisy: I mean Yoshi. Gosh.

Birdo: Anyways... yeah. I do.

Daisy and Rosalina: *gasps*

Daisy: Well-

Birdo: Ssh! This is a secret between us, k?

Daisy: Alright...

Rosalina: Sounds splendid.

(Screaming Fire Flowers Boy Trailer...)

Toad: Hey Blooper.


Toad: Where's Blooper?

(In the ocean...)

Blooper: Bloo bloopity bloopity blooey...

(In between the trailers...)

Lakitu (over megaphone...): WE'RE HAVING A PICNIC HERE!!!

Mario: Ok, ok, sheesh.

Luigi: Hmph!

Mario: *sighs*

Shy Guy: Hey, there's really good things in here!

Lakitu: Those are props.

Shy Guy: Ew! Yuck!

Lakitu: For today's challenge!

Peach: You always manage to find the most irrelevant places to tell us the challenges.

Lakitu: That's my specialty.

Peach: Wh- you know, never mind.

Blue: Today's challenge is to make a short film about, really, anything! The best one wins.

Lakitu: You have green screens and cameras over there. *points* THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!!!

Toad: Ouch! Not so loud, jeez!

(At the Killer Tanooki Leaves station...)

Mario: We should do an action movie!

Luigi: No, one on world peace!

Mario: Action movie!

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