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Chris and Lorelai ended up getting home rather late. Neither of them minded though since they were both more than happy to see the finishing product. Even though they were both exhausted.

Lorelai changed into an oversized shirt, which may have once been Chris' once she was back in her room. He decided on staying at her place, seeing that they still hadn't gotten a place together. They had been talking about it, and it was beginning to look like a good idea. Especially since Chris spent more time at her house than he did at his own.

Just as Lorelai was walking into the bathroom to take out her contacts, she could've sworn she felt a pain in her stomach. Though it didn't last long, she ignored it and began to rub her stomach soothingly. She took out her contacts before feeling the pain yet again. This time, longer.

"Oh, god. Seriously?" She griped onto the counter, her knuckles turning white as she felt a liquid running down her inner leg.



"Goddamnit, Christopher!" She yelled again, this time hearing the footsteps that were running towards the bathroom. He stood in the doorway, breathless.

"Would you like to take me to the damn hospital or are you wanting to take your sweet-ass time?"

Starlight » Chris Evans [1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon