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lorelaihart: Coffee with my fav before work. ❤️
tagged: chrisevans

username: i need a Chris Evans

username: ^ same

username: I need a Loris wedding tf

Lorelai couldn't help but laugh at the comments on her recent post as she sat beside Chris on a park bench. This was all she really needed, him and her cup of coffee that sat beside her.

They had to leave in ten minutes or else they'd end up being late to set, and neither of them wanted that.

"They really like us, don't they?" Chris asked as he looked over at her with a smile.

"I think so." She shrugged her shoulders as he stared down at her happily.

"Doesn't matter if they do or don't." He stated before using his free hand to move a brunette strand of hair out of her eyes. Her cheeks heated as he did so before she noticed how close he was to her. "Because I like you."

With that, their lips met and Lorelai released his hand before placing it on the back of his neck. His hand found her waist, pulling her closer as their lips continued to move against each other's. Finally, they pulled away from each other, both wearing grins.

"Good because I like you too."

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