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Encountering Dazai Osamu was ordinary.

An enigma was comparable to a puzzle that tested a persons knowledge. Pieces would effortlessly adjust together, whilst others became misplaced in a disordered manner. The puzzle would be so close to becoming solved, but it could never reach its conclusion.

Dazai Osamu's former profession was one of the seven enigmas of the Armed Detective Agency. Whoever predicted it accurately would obtain a suitable reward that didn't fail to entice greedy desires. His past was a dark cloud that never dispersed, much to Atsushi Nakajima's discontent. His guesses were deemed incorrect no matter the list of professions he presented to the bandaged abomination. Despite his errors, he discovered the one member who happened to be familiar with Dazai before he became affiliated with the Agency.

"Uh, [Name]?" Atsushi timidly approached the young woman, causing her fingers to halt from pressing the engraved buttons of the black keyboard. [Name] hummed as a momentary response and swiveled her chair to direct her utmost attention toward him. Her gaze flickered from the computer to the young man in front of her and her eyebrow arched. A smile slowly formed on the contours of her lips because of his welcoming appearance.

The brightness in his multicolored eyes conveyed that he was exhilarated at the given moment. Before he approached her, he wanted to confirm with Kunikida if she really was the one woman to know Dazai the longest. The awaiting confirmation didn't take too much thought when he threatened Atsushi to never mention the bandaged maniac when he was invested piling himself with paperwork.

With a demeanor visible of anxiousness, he hastily questioned, "I don't mean to pry or anything, but is it true that you met Dazai a couple years ago? Before he joined the Armed Detective Agency?"

"You still want that seven hundred grand, don't you?" She sent a quick and playful grin to the young man. She chuckled at his perseverance, which resulted his complexion to furiously turn red from shame and humiliation. The question that spilled from her mouth made him feel utterly vulnerable.

"It's true, but you're out of luck. Even if I'm the one who knew him the longest, I could never figure it out," [Name] responded sympathetically. She admittedly wanted to help Atsushi, more so to prove to that suicidal bastard that he wasn't as cryptic as he made himself out to be. There have been times in the past and present she attempted to ask Dazai about his former profession. She didn't get much of an answer when all he did was tease how they should first go out on a date before they exchanged confidential information.

Atsushi let out a defeated sigh, discouragement evident within his eyes. The moment he thought all hope was lost, an idea occurred to his mind just as fast. Perhaps, if [Name] presented the history between her and Dazai, there could be clues he could identify. Grasping any detail such as clothing, behavior, and certain words used in dialogue could probably be important in order to solve this puzzle. There was still hope for the penniless youth.

"[Name], please tell me how you met him," Atsushi eagerly requested. Something flickered within his pair of unique colored eyes. She was in a situation that was almost considered unavoidable because he looked like a child waiting for an adventurous bedtime story.

It wasn't like she minded him interrupting her work. She was grateful his sudden appearance eased her fingers from cramping every second she typed. His presence was never a bother to her, especially when he was one of the few people she cared about. Atsushi joining the Agency was one of the many abrupt decisions she didn't consider horrible. She was sort of grateful Dazai brought in an orphan who had potential proving himself to be special. She even found innocent amusement by teasing him a bit since he always had a difficult time defending himself.

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