Chapter 2: A country?

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I can't believe this is the house Mathias and his friends live in. It's huge, it looks very expensive and probably has more than enough rooms to fit a family of seven. Well I did get from Mathias' explanation on his friends and where they're from, that there are five of them who live there. Mathias walked through the front door and into a room with beige walls, a couple of simple brown couches and chairs, a T.V and another open door leading to what looked like a kitchen.
"Hey Tino!" Mathias shouted. I flinched, way to warn me and then scare me to death there. A man with soft blonde hair walked in through the open door. The man wore a sky blue army styled uniform with knee high leather boots.
"What is it Den-?" He stopped when he saw me. "Mathias, who is this?" He asked gesturing towards me.
"This is (f/n) (l/n) I found her in the forest" Mathias explained.
"You can't just take a child from the forest Mathias, that's against the law you could get arrested!" the other man exclaimed.
"You didn't let me finish though, she's hurt and I thought you could help her. I'll take her back when you've patched her up." Mathias said.
"Alright, but how bad of a wound could a young girl like yourself get?" The other man asked me. You'd be surprised sir. Mathias handed me over to the other man who held me much gentler with a caring, motherly feel to it.
"This is Tino, by the way, (f/n)" Mathias said. I nodded to show my acknowledgment. 

Tino took me into the kitchen, leaving Mathias watching the television.
"Where's your wound (f/n)" Tino asked.
"Here" I said pointing to my shoulder, being careful not to touch it.
Tino lifted my cloak and gasped when he saw my wound. "How did this happen?" He asked quickly moistening a towel.
"I fell" I said simply, lying.
"A wound this bad wouldn't have just been a fall, there's glass in it also, who did this to you (f/n)?" Tino asked.
"It was a bad fall-" I started to explain.
"Nope it wasn't" Mathias interfered, Tino and I turned to look at him. "I know this'll sound creepy but I was following you since you walked into that forest and you didn't slip or fall once, honestly I'm surprised. Even whilst you climbed across that huge Boulder you didn't slip. Do you rock climb or something, kid?" I shook my head. He was following me the whole time I was in that forest?
"How did this happen (f/n)? Please be honest" Tino said softly.
I sighed "It was my mother's boyfriend, he was drunk. I think..." I answered slowly. Tino nodded and he started cleaning the wound, using tweezers to pick out the glass and being careful not to cause me to much pain.
"Hey, what's with the kid" another voice said. I looked over to see a man with white hair and violet eyes, he wore a white blouse and bow tie, brown trousers and jacket, on his feet he wore white, knee high, lace up boots.
"Oh, hey Emil" Mathias greeted the man "this is (f/n), (f/n) this is Ice- Emil" he introduced.
"Yeah but why is she here?" Emil asked.
"She's injured is all. I'm just helping her" Tino answered. Emil nodded and sat down on the couch across and started reading a book.
"What're you reading?" I asked while Tino continued cleaning my wound.
"Angels of the universe" Emil answered "it's a literature novel-"
"By Einar Már Guðmundsson, right?" We spoke together.
"You've read it?" Emil asked.
"Yeah, it's surprisingly good for literature and since its official language is Icelandic, I wanted a challenge." I answered. Emil nodded and turned back to his book.
"Alright, (f/n), I've cleaned the wound so I'll just get a bandage and be right back."
"Hey, (f/n)?" I heard Emil ask.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Where'd you get that necklace?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering why a girl your age is wearing something so expensive looking."
"It was my grandmother's. She used to wear it all the time" I glanced over to the door to see Tino walking back in again with a bandage.
"By 'used to wear' do you mean...?" Mathias asked sitting down on the couch, taking a seat next to Emil.
I nodded "She gave it to me in her will, and there's something engraved in the back that I don't understand. It's in a different language I think"
"Let me take a look" Emil said, folding the corner of his page and putting the book down on a table. He walked over and knelt on one knee.
"Can I?" He asked putting his hands on the clasp of the necklace. I hesitantly nodded and he took it off. Emil observed my necklace for a good minute or so. He shook his head. "I can't make anything out of this in Icelandic"
"May I look?" Tino asked taking the jewellery and he too shook his head "Nothing in Finnish." He said handing it to Mathias and then going back to bandaging my arm. "You try, see if it means anything in Danish"
Mathias observed the engraved text and smiled. He chuckled as he spoke "It says Færøerne"
Emil frowned "We're not all fluent in Danish you idiot"
"Oh right, yeah" Mathias scratched the back of his neck.
"So what does it say?" I asked eagerly.
"Well kiddo, and Tino and Emil, you're the Faroe Islands!" Mathias answered.
"Wait, so she's one of us?" Emil asked standing straight up.
"Seems so" Mathias chuckled.
"I don't understand" I said "What's going on?"
"(F/n)" Tino said sitting down next to me. "You've heard of the myth that countries have a personification who live forever and know all the history of their countries, right?"
I nodded "My grandma told me about this one time she went on holiday and met the real France! She even got a photograph!" I chirped.
"Well we're all countries also and so are you" Tino said giving me a hug.
"So who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Finland, Mathias is Denmark and Emil is Iceland." Tino answered. "And you are the Faroe Islands"
"So what do I do now then?" I asked.
"That's a good point, well for starters we need to tell Norway and Sweden and the world meeting is coming up soon so we can take her there" Tino explained.
"Tell Norway and Sweden what?" Another voice asked from the kitchen door, it was a man with platinum blonde hair, one side pinned back with a cross hairpin, his amethyst eyes showing no emotion. He also wore a blue sailor suit, a matching hat and formal brown shoes.
"Oh, well let's get Sweden and we can all have a Nordic meeting." Denmark suggested. "Sve!" He then bellowed. I covered my ears and tucked my knees up to my chest.
"Stupid Dane, don't be so loud" the man with the hairpin said as he took a seat next to Tino and I.
"Oh (f/n) this is Lukas, also known as Norway, Norway this is (f/n) also known as the Faroe Islands" Norway nodded and turned to look out the window. Another man walked through the door, he had short blonde hair, glasses, stern blue eyes and he wore a long blue coat, a dark blue shirt, a black tie and black boots.
"Alright all the Nordics are here, so let's converse our topic today. This is (f/n), who we have just discovered is the Faroe Islands." Denmark began.
So what happens now?

Faroe Islands (Nordics x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now