Chapter 1

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Carmen POV

I awaken from my slumber. It is my last reaping today. If I get out alive. I turn and toss to realize that Crystal isn't beside me. She's my twin. This year is the Capitol's Quarter Quell and they have asked for only Girls to be reaped. However, all the families with girls attending the reaping would get more food. Also, there could be two victors this year. This is one thing that the Capitol has shown sympathy too.

In my family, it's three girls. Crystal, Clarissa and I. Clarissa works at he apothecary shop with my mother and she's 21. We used to have a brother. His name was Clifford. He was reaped and died in the games two years ago. That is one thing I'll never stop hating the Capitol for.

Ever since then, Crystal and I had been working and training for the Games in secret. It was just in case we were reaped. That way, we would survive the games.

However, Crystal and I still had to take tesserae to allow our family to survive. So in this games, the amount of slips our names were on were very large. The odds were definitely not in our favour.

I eat some strawberries and go take a shower before putting on a cotton dress that is as white as snow. It flutters down my legs and is very beautiful. Crystal is dressed in something similiar, only it's pink. We wear some flats of our dress colour and go attend the reaping.

As usual, they show us the video to remind us of the dark days and the rebellion. After that, a woman that is clearly from the Capitol walks up the stage and scrambles her hand in the big jar of names.

Please, please not me. I think. Before I can wish Crystal luck, I hear the name.

"Crystal Lart!"


From where I stand, I can see Crystal walking up to the stage with her trembling hands and jelly-like legs, ever so slowly.

"Next!" The woman says. I think her name was Effie Trinket. I'm not really sure.

"Carmen Lart!"

My eyes widen the size of ping-pong balls. Crystal and I are going to the games. Together.

I step up, ever so nervously. Adrenaline is rushing through me and I'm so nervous. I'm going to die. I'm going to die with Crystal.

Finally, we are ushered to the Justice Building to say our last goodbyes. My mother comes in first to wish us the best of luck.

"Crystal and Carmen, I know you can do it. You have both trained hard for this. Do Clifford proud!" My mother says before Peacekeepers bring her out.

"Yes,Mum! We won't let our brother down!" Crystal and I reply in unison.

Next, Lily,Crystal and my best friend, spills into the room. She hugs us and gives me something.

"It's a strawberry." I say.

"Yes! If you miss home, eat it, will you Carmen? I know that you love strawberries! And for Crystal, the baker asks you to take this Chocolate-Chip cookie. He knows you love them. He wanted to give you this and wishes both of you the best of luck!"Lily replies while passing us the presents.

My tears are welling up as I blink them away. Finally, Clarissa comes in and the torrent of tears start rushing down. She wipes them away before saying.

"We've been healers for life. Mum was a healer. She's the daughter of Katniss Everdeen! We can do this! Both of you know the edible plants and can fight well! Now, wipe away your tears! The train will be coming to bring you to the Capitol! Take it as a trip! And two victors are allowed this year! Don't-"

The 100th Hunger Games- Fourth Quarter QuellWhere stories live. Discover now