Beanies & Frozen Yoghurt

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            A light knuckle rap on Jace’s door repeated itself at least three times before he finally brought himself out of bed to answer. Isabelle was staying the night at Simon’s doing only the angel-knows-what and the Lightwood parents left for Idris while he was training the night before. That left Alec as the only other person—the only other shadowhunter—currently in the Institute.

            “By the angel,” he muttered, none too quietly. As he opened the door, he began, “Alec, you know today’s my day off from training, what would you need from me so early in the m—”

            He stopped himself short. It wasn’t Alec at the door; it was a petite redhead who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow, the top of her head covered in a cuffed beanie. He ran a hand through his blond mess of hair. “Clary.”

            “Jace,” she smirked. Clary was dressed in her usual style which consisted of a band tee—today it was The Doors—and a plaid shirt with a loose brown cardigan on top, dark wash skinny jeans and light brown boots. He looked down at himself: shirtless, barefoot, and only wearing light blue pyjama bottoms. “You forgot didn’t you?”

            “No, of course I didn’t.” He obviously did. He, for once, didn’t remember what was planned. “But I don’t believe you had to wake me up so early for it.”

            “Really? Because the mundane date I was planning to take you on was set for the afternoon.” She jerked her head towards the digital clock on Jace’s beside, which read 14:47.

            He blinked. “I knew that,” he said. Although his facial expression didn’t change, his brain was confused and frustrated at how easily Clary could baffle him. “Just…let me get dressed.”

            “No you’re not,” she said, sliding the messenger bag off her shoulder.

            “I may be a shadowhunter but I know that mundanes don’t casually walk about on the streets without a shirt.” Jace walked towards his dresser and started taking out his usual attire of black leather and silver chains.

            “And mundanes don’t wear so many chains—and they don’t wear hooded leather vests either, ugh, Jace come on! You could at least try!”

            He folded his arms across his runed chest and eyed the clothing Clary had picked up and handed back to him, declaring that he wasn’t wearing any of it to go out. “So,” he began, “what do you expect me to wear? You didn’t get me any of Simon’s clothes did you? You know he’s too scrawny for me.”

            “Simon’s a vampire,” Clary stated plainly. “He doesn’t need muscle. And don’t worry about his wardrobe. I’m sure you have something remotely normal to wear.”

            Jace sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. He didn’t find any point in trying to argue or reason with the redhead, so he let her rummage through his endless supply of black fabrics.

            After a good ten minutes of comments ranging from “too killer-like” to “I’ve never seen you wear this” and “what the hell, Jace”, Clary finally pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans at the back of a drawer and a black jumper.

            “This is so plain,” he pointed out.

            “That’s what you’re aiming for,” she retorted, lightly flicking the side of his head. Jace sighed and put on the clothes, getting his foot stuck when he learned there was a rip in one of the knees. Both his eyebrows raised when Clary pulled a black beanie out of her bag and handed it to him. Her reasoning behind it was that it “completed the look.”

Beanies & Frozen Yogurt (Clace)Where stories live. Discover now