Chapter 14

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Josephine wasn't kidding when she said that the real work began the next day. Every species was divided into their own training groups

Everyone was wearing black pants and tank tops. It literally looked like a little army ready to kill everyone as they listen to their punk music. Not exactly threatening. Yet, when Josephine is done with us, I'm sure we'll all have the potential to take down New Orleans with one punch.

The werewolves were running laps around the lake, the vampires and I were training with the eldest of the bunch, and the witches were with Josephine practicing spells.

Considering I'm all three of the species, I was to train with one group every day. Tomorrow I was working with the wolves, there was no need for me to run laps as all I'd need to do is vamp around and I could tear someone's heart out before they could blink.

Asher was a one hundred year old vampire, he's known Josephine for years and offered to train her little army. We were all in rows of seven, spaced out very well so no one would hit another person. We started off stretching, before doing any fighting moves.

I took this opportunity to study him, his hair was dark and long, kept in a bun at the base of his head. He looked like he was turned in his thirties judging from the slight wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. His stance was something that of a soldier, straight and sturdy, as if waiting for orders instead of giving them. His eyes were so dark, they were almost black, they also held so much pain. Though when you watch people you love die one by one, it takes a lot out of a person. Or so Aunt Rebekka tells me.

We began actual fighting with a partner, I was paired up with Joslynn, a bitchy who absolutely hated me. When I tried introducing myself, all she did was blow a gum bubble and it popped. Oh dear lord, I really don't have time for this.

"Okay, then." Is all I said before beginning our fight.

She went straight for my throat, reaching out like she was going to choke me. I was quicker, I simply just broke her wrist, and threw her to the ground without blinking. "Not good enough, love. Haven't you ever seen Twilight? Never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that, and you will loose." I grinned and stepped back a few steps.

Josie growled and stood again, "Well Princess, if you're such an expert why don't you teach me then?" she snapped.

I shrugged, there was nothing wrong with it I suppose. "You run at them, but never reach for anything until you're right up in their face." I vamp in front of her and grab her throat shoving her away, then ran to where she would land and pull her down to the hard ground by her throat, pinning her there. "Then the only thing I've learned is to reach for their heart and rip it out." my claws grow out and gently graze her skin. "That's all that I know," I set her back down and stepped back, noticing that everyone was looking at is.

They almost looked afraid, looking at me like I was going to come at them next.

Asher stepped forward, "Well, looks like our youngest Mikaelson takes after her father. That's a hybrid's favorite attack, because that's the only want to kill one." he steps forward to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Isn't it Hope?"

"Yes. It is, but we can easily take any vampire with a single bite." I clink my teeth together as if to prove a point. The rest of the teens almost shivered. There were a few though who looked like they took it as a challenge. "Has the brilliant Asher told you the effects of a hybrid or werewolf bite?" I asked the crowd moving to the front as Asher watched me closely. If he wanted to point out weaknesses, let's play.

"There's the venom itself, it makes it's way into the blood stream via the fangs," I taped my claw against my fang. "it spreads throughout the body, weakening every cell like the poison it is. The vampire's body will try and heal itself, but attacking the poison, but it can't and you're bed ridden for days almost as if you have the flu. Then the fever sets in, higher fever than any human could withstand, this comes with hallucinations and horrible dementia. Since the body is trying to heal itself it needs blood, thus comes the blood lust. A thirst that can't be quenched no matter how much blood you drink or how many humans you kill, it will never go away. During this stage is unbearable pain, the poison is practically melting away your insides with every pump of your heart. Most vampire are killed out of mercy." I explain to them, Asher watched me very closely as I did him.

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