Chapter 10

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Hope's POV

Since my sneaking out of the compound, Klaus has made sure that two of his best guards never, ever let me out of their sight and everyone who comes near me is glared down until they leave. Because of this, I decided to put Dweedle-dee and Dweedle-dum to work. These two were only compelled to protect me, they weren't supposed to follow every word that Klaus said so I went out one morning to get some more paint since I had gone through all of mine and Klaus'.

I dressed in jeans and a T shirt with a hoodie over it. My recent imprisonment has gotten me a little out of my fashion sense. Besides, I had an ulterior motive for dragging myself out in the open like a sitting duck. Last night a man came around looking for me, claiming he knew how to help me and my situation with my father.

I was sitting on my balcony enjoying a journal Elijah's been allowing me to read. His family were in New Orleans by now and he was utterly happy. He had a girlfriend and everyone was enjoying themselves. Even Rebekah had a lover, which surprisingly, at the time was Marcel. At least, I really shipped it judging from the little romance Elijah spoke about like Shakespeare. Everything was so tragic because I knew that something was going to happen that would change their happiness. There always was, no wonder this family is falling apart, but so strong nonetheless.

My thoughts were cut short when a small pebble hits me on the shoulder, this makes me jump half way off my seat and fall back into my room. "Dammit!" I groan and look to see what in the world or who in the hell had thrown that thing at me. There I saw was the same man who I had seen when I had snuck out. "What the hell? What are you doing here? You realize if anyone knows you're here you are dead." From what I had seen there wasn't a person who didn't know who Klaus was, or at least hadn't heard stories about them. Either way no one I know dare even think about crossing him.

The man shrugs his shoulders, "I needed to see you," he grinned, "Hope Mikaelson."

"How do you know my name?"

"I asked around."

This makes me panic. I jumped down from my balcony, landing perfectly on my feet and grabbed his neck shoving him against the wall. "Who have you asked?" I growled, quietly, knowing that Klaus is

The look on his face was full of surprise, but he grabbed my wrist, and switched our positions so that my arm was twisted behind my back and had a hand on my jaw so that I couldn't bite him. Apparently, he had learned just a little too much about me. "My people have out own sources, I haven't asked your precious witches if that's what your worried about, and I will never say a word about you to them. That's not why I'm here," He whispered in my ear, "And I won't get to it if you keep screaming like that. It will attract the others' attention. Now shut. Up."

I eventually stop squirming, and he waits patiently for a few minutes to make sure that I won't try and escape again. Then slowly removes his hand and allows me to speak, but didn't let go of my arm. Well done stranger. He didn't trust me not to hit him and scream for help. "I heard that the witches got to you and thought that you might want something to help you defend yourself considering your father won't allow you to learn anything worthwhile."

"And what exactly can you give that can help me? I'm always guarded and my parents and Elijah are always breathing down my neck." I hiss back at him.

"Do you trust me?"

I wait a moment before answering, then he allows me to twist around and look at him. I looked deep into his green eyes, they didn't look evil or anything of the sort. Then again the devil didn't come dressed in red and black and disgusting. He came dressed as everything you've ever wanted and more. "I don't even know your name."

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