Chapter 9

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After Klaus helped me save my painting from my savage strokes he decided that I deserved to know what was happening to my life since it was my life that was in danger. I actually wondered if it was Elijah and Hayley that convinced him to tell me. From what I hear from Auntie Becks, they like to do things as a family but Klaus just goes rouge anyways. In spite of the little details, they truly had a sense of family and I really love that feeling. It makes me feel more at home.

I currently sit in the library with Auntie Becks on my left and Hayley on my right, Elijah stood fiddling with something in his hands that resembled a letter opener. "Well, since no one else seems to have the guts to bring it up, Hope, sweetheart, since your little decision to take a little tour of the city with no one by your side to defend you, it's time we had that little chat about what's going on that makes that decision the most idiotic one you could have ever made in your short little life." He was still clearly pissed about me sneaking out if that little tension around his eyes was anything to go on. Well, and here I thought this was going to be short and sweet.

"Yes, Niklaus very subtle," Uncle Elijah speaks up, "We have been battling these people for eighteen years, and while I don't agree with your actions Hope, you should understand why." He took the kinder approach. "Your Aunt Rebekah may have told you about the witches that tried to sacrifice you over an altar when you were mere minutes old." A shiver runs down my spine remembering when she shared that little bit of information with me. "Now an even larger threat is at large here," he tells me, this makes my head tilt to the side.

What in the world would be more worse than deranged teenage girls trying to sacrifice you?

As if reading my mind Klaus smirks a little bit, "Well, the most dangerous thing in our family love is your grandparents. We've been trying to get rid of them for eighteen years to no avail, while we're on the brink of bringing down Esther, her little witch apprentices have risen up to stand with her against us. Mikael on the other hand is an entirely different matter," he states with a small growl that was definitely not intended for me.

"What are they after?" I lean forward on my folded knees wondering how I could help my family. Even if I didn't accept Klaus and Hayley as my mother and father, these people were my family in some form. They have been nothing but kind to me and I felt that protectiveness surfacing at this moment.

The same protectiveness sparkled in Klaus' blue eyes, "They are after anything that will make us miserable, and let's leave it at that. You, will be doing nothing but reading some more of those books you love so much," he teases me.

A growl comes out of my throat and my eyes narrow, "I'm not as helpless as you think I am Klaus, I can help in some way, even if that's just being bait," I insist. The thought of me sitting on my ass while every one else is out there risking their lives was not an option for me.

Klaus just begins laughing, "Do tell me, Hope, what you could do to help us? Surely all your Aunt has taught you to do is shop and flirt with the nearest male being judging by your behavior last night to that boy," he says trying to convince me otherwise. Instead of trying to convincing me not to it was just pissing me off.

I laugh right back, "You have no idea what the hell I can do old man, you haven't exactly ever been present in the last eighteen years. My aunt has been the one to be there and love me like no one else has before, don't you dare insult her in front of me." there was no way he was going to speak about my aunt like that right in front of me. She's done more for me than any of them have put together.

Klaus clenches his jaw at the mention of being absent for my entire life. I know that was a low blow, but he needed to be knocked down a few pegs. In spite of the anger and guilt I could feel radiating off of him he holds out his hands and leans back against the sofa, "Do tell, what you can do." he challenges me.

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