Chapter 26 | part 2

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Once again, Eliana fought to contain herself. If Samsu's actions since his conquest of Babylon did not constitute sin according to the laws of this martial and ruthless god, she dreaded to imagine what did.

Marduk, through the high priest, spoke: 'do not be afraid of what I have to say, my son, for I am pleased with all you do. I hear your prayers, extend your power and increase the greatness of your reign. Your empire will extend to the ends of the earth, and your son shall equal you in might and power.'

Samsu rose back to his feet and stood as the priests fussed around him, returning his raiment and jewellery, restoring him to the status of a king before Marduk, replacing everything but his headdress.

There was a sharp whip-crack as the priest slapped Samsu again to conclude the ritual. If the slap before had been hard, this was truly ferocious, but Samsu barely flinched, though his cheek reddened and showed each long individual finger mark.

Asag had explained this part of the ritual to Eliana – the priest hoped that the King would shed a tear, to express more complete submission to Marduk and deeper respect for the great god's power.

If the high priest thought that a mere slap would cause Samsu to shed a tear, he was greatly mistaken in the man's character, thought Eliana. She did not think that her husband was capable of forming tears.

As a final symbol of Marduk renewing and refreshing Samsu's power, two priests stepped forward to replace his headdress.

Eliana could not mistake the rage in his eyes as he stalked to his throne and sat heavily. Samsu was not a man used to humiliation by man or god. His fists were clenched on the arms of the chair throughout the rest of the ceremony.

She kept her face carefully blank and impassive, not even so much as wincing when he gripped her by the hand hard enough to make the bones crunch as he led her to the waiting horses at the end of it all.

Throughout the feast that followed to celebrate Marduk's continuing favour upon Babylon, its people and its king, Samsu drank hard and fast. Eliana eyed him worriedly as he drained bowl after bowl of wine and signalled for more. There was no cheer about him – he sat in silence for the most part, only giving monosyllabic answers when spoken to and venturing no conversation himself. He seemed to grow more detached as the evening went on; his eyes shifted suspiciously, and his paranoid gaze fell on everyone in turn.

She breathed a sigh of relief when he stood abruptly and turned to march from the room, retiring for the night. The relief died in her throat as a page boy brought the summons she was dreading.

Following the boy from the room, she tried to swallow her dread. Perhaps Samsu just wanted a soothing song on the lyre, or to talk over something that had been troubling him.

She knew she was wrong as soon as she entered his chamber. He stood in the centre of the room, as tall and unyielding as a monolith, glaring at her as she walked in.

Eliana gauged his mood immediately and went to her knees in a bow. In a good humour, he did not require it of her... this was clearly not one of those times. She breathed deeply, trying to slow the gallop of her heart.

'Get up,' snarled Samsu. 'Don't show me your false reverence. You'd have laughed at me just like everyone else today, if I wasn't watching.'

She sat back on her heels, not daring to speak in case she said the wrong thing.

'Well? Say something!' he slurred.

'I have nothing to say, Your Highness.'

'Well, that is a first. Perhaps you have finally learnt humility.'

The Whore of BabylonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz