Chapter 16

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Bold words mean a menacing voice and aura!

Words in Italics are Slendy's voice through the mind link!

Emerald P.O.V.

Even though I knew he wouldn't hurt me, I was still scared. I had never seen him like this. Never in all the time we were friends, had I ever seen him this angry. His face was dark and all scrunched up in the places where his eyes were suppose to be. His mouth was open as well, which made him look even more frighting. It was hard to take my eyes off his terrifying face. I'm not sure he could see me though because once I saw him, I was pushed down into the seat by someone, in an attempt to hide me. In all the chaos I heard someone from outside yelling and other voices in response. They must have gotten back up to help us out or something. Then, suddenly, a large hand came down and pushed me even harder into the seat. "Don't move. Were getting out of the car to deal with it, so you stay in here where it's safer." It was Ben's voice. I did as I was told.  I was to shocked with what was all going on to move.

Slenderman P.O.V.

By the time I got to the building, I was furious. I was teleporting faster and longer than I have in a very long time. Some of the guards saw me and started shooting and yelling into their radios. "STUPID HUMANS..." I muttered under my breath. With all the emotions I'm feeling right now, those stupid human things would never work. They figured that out quick, because they soon threw the radios and started shooting. I ignored them like flies and teleported past them into the building. As I teleported through the plain halls, I could hear people screaming and the running of feet. Every once and a while, I'd see the the face of a person, to terrified to move. Then, finally, I make it to a very promising door. I crashed through it and looked around. There was a knocked over chair near the middle of the small room. As I looked around the room, I noticed a brick in the wall that was ajar. I walked over to it and pulled it out of the wall. I looked into the opening and saw a small dimly lit hall with, if you looked close enough, a small set of stairs leading to a door. I smirked and teleported across the hall and stairs, to the door. Once I got there, I heard the sound of voices and the starting of a car. 'Oh, no they don't." I thought as I teleported to the back of the car to stop it. I heard yelling and saw terrified eyes, though none of them were Emerald's.

As I looked through the people in the car, I picked one to talk to. "Get out of the car." I said to him through mind link. He soon started getting everyone out of the car. As I waited, I saw a lot of humans surround me, holding guns in my direction, one of them barking orders. As the people got out of the car, there was still no sign of Emerald. "What do you want?" said one of the men that got out of the car. He put up a good look, but he stank of fear. "I came to get back something important to me." he looked at me and smirked. "I have no clue what your talking about." At that moment, my body took over. I was then wrapping my hands around his neck and lifting him off the ground. He let out a small grunt and wiggled around like a rabbit that was just caught by prey, trying desperately to survive. As I held my grip, I noticed that I could only faintly hear the world around me. The yelling of people, a few guns, crying, all of it sounded distant, like a fading memory. Then, in all the noise, in all the movement, I see something out off the corner of my eye, Emerald.

She was standing outside the car with a young, dark haired human holding a gun to her head. "Put my Father down."

Emerald P.O.V.

I stayed down in the car quietly, as I was told. I wasn't quite sure if I should go out and do something or just stay put. As I was thinking, someone grabbed me and yanked me out of the car. Ben. At that point, I then saw everything. Slendy was holding Cormac off the ground by the neck. People were yelling and some shooting at Slendy, who didn't seem to mind at all. Like all they were all just annoying little flies. Then, Slendy turned his head toward me and Ben. His face was completely dark from both the night and his anger. Then suddenly, I heard Ben say "Put my Father down.". Slendy then put him down, slowly, like he subconsciously following orders. Once he put Cormac down, he started coughing and sputtering out what seemed like words. Slendy then turned so that he was facing towards me and slowly and quietly said "Emerald...". He then started slowly walking towards me. At that point I felt Ben push something against my head and said in a harsh tone "Stay away."

I then started to get worried. Judging from my knowledge of action movies involving guns, I would guess that the thing Ben is sticking to my head is a gun and will probably shoot me if Slendy gets any closer. "If you step any closer, I'll shoot her." I hear Ben say, confirming what I thought. "Your brave human, but I believe that your bravery is blinding you. I'm sure you know the dangers of facing me." I could feel Ben starting to shake. Lightly, but still noticeable. "Why do you want her anyway? Why are you so intent on getting her back? Do you really think we would hurt one of our own kind?" Slendy stared at him for what felt like a long time. Then suddenly, I heard a loud bang and Slendy get very stiff. A few feet away, Cormac was sitting on the ground, panting, holding a gun in the direction of Slendy. Slendy then turned his head around in annoyance to look at Cormac. Then suddenly, Slendy fell to his knees with a pained look on his blank face. "Slendy!" I yelled in surprise. It's just a normal gun! How would that effect him any?! I then looked at Cormac to see him smirking and beginning to speak. "When we began hunting you a long time ago, one of us found a very special rock. If made contact with any sort of liquid, it would start to burn itself and anything around it. After researching the rock and testing it's abilities, we decided it would be a good idea to try it out on you. When ever we shot at you, they would hit you, but it would only be destroyed in your body and not affect you. So, we thought maybe we could try destroying you from the inside. It may take a while, but I'm sure it will still kill you at one point." He smirked and then fell to a lying position on the ground, wincing in pain. "Slendy..." I whispered. I am so worthless. Slendy could be dying right now and I can't help him!

He then did something I didn't expect. He suddenly transported to my side and flung Ben off of me, grabbing me in the process. Then, what I could tell from all the movement people were yelling, shooting, and running. At one point, a shot meant for Slendy, hit me in the shoulder. A wave of pain then hit me. Way worse than when I got grazed on the leg. I screamed and we suddenly started to run. I could tell I was losing blood fast and I was slowly, but surely, losing conscious. I then felt myself being put down and the sound of people farther away. "Slendy, are we safe now?" I ask quietly. "Are you going to hide me again, so you can get them away from here?" He looked at me for some time before saying "No Emerald. I am going to get them away from here, but I'm not going to hide you." I looked at him with confusion. As if reading my mind, he says "You have been shot, you need someone to take care of you. I'm going to get them away from here, forever."  I squinted at him, he was getting kind of blurry.  "How will you do that?" He nodded in understanding and said "I have some relatives.  If those humans are dumb enough, they will go after them instead of me." My eyes flung open.  "You have relatives!?" He sighed and shook his head.  "No time to talk now.  They are getting closer.  I need to go."  Just as he was beginning to stand up, I weakly grabbed his arm.  "How long will it take?" He sighed and kneeled back down.  "Emerald, I promise you on my life that I will come back for you."  From that answer, I could tell that it could take him a while.  "How can I trust you?" He's left before for a long time, I don't want that to happen again.  Then suddenly, his lips were on mine.  It felt like electricity was surging through me.  After what felt like a long time, we separated and he said

"I love you." 

                    My heart felt like it got 10 times bigger at that moment.  "Emerald Dawn, The one I love, I will come back for you.  No matter how long it takes, please don't forget about me.  I Promise you, so please..." I suddenly felt my conscious slipping away from me.   Before I blacked out, I felt Slendy's lips on mine and his pinkie twirl around mine.  Then, his presence disappeared.  I could feel and hear people around me, picking me up gently.  The last thing I heard before I blacked out was a faint scream in the distance. 


  Just one more chapter guys!  I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad!  Well, whatever emotion I choose to feel, I'll definatly miss writing this!  :) 

   By the way, I'm working on another book(Not a sequal to this, sorry!) and if I was to put it on Wattpad, would you like it better with or without romance?  And please answer, so I have a good feel of what you guys would like!  


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