Chapter 8

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Emerald POV:

                         I woke up in the middle of the meadow, at first having no idea where I was.  As I woke up, I saw the sky.  I was nice and blue with a few clouds scattered about.  I soon sat up, looking around.  I was alone in the meadow.  "Slendy!" I called out tiredly, wondering if I just imagined Slendy last night.  When I got no answer, I started getting the idea I was just imagining things.  Then some time afterwords, as I just sat, I remembered, I still have school.  "Damn it!  What time is it!?" I yell, as I looked at my wrist.  "Geez, I have nothing to tell me what time it is and I might be late to school!"  As I say this I get up and start running in the direction of the school from the woods.  'I'm not even gonna go home first! Geez, I'm such an idiot for spending the night in that meadow!' I think to myself.

                           Once I get to the school, I run inside and look at the clock near the entrance.  It was about 9:30, so it was right about in the middle of 2nd hour.  "Dang it!  I am late!"  I say quietly to myself.  As I run down the hall to my locker, I think about why I was in the meadow.  I mean, it was just a dream wasn't it?  I haven't seen Slendy in 3 years.  I don't know why he disappeared, but I'm sure he had a good reason for disappearing.  I also think that after 3 years of not seeing him at all, I probably wouldn't ever see him again. 

                               As I entered the class room, everyone got quiet and looked at me.  I mean, whenever someone's late people always get quiet and look at them, but this silence was eerie and made me feel even more confused and uncomfortable.  Even as I walked to my seat with my head down, every ones eyes watched me get to my seat.  Then, as I sat down, the teacher broke the awkward silence.  "Emerald." "Yes." "The Principal would like to see you in his office." "Ok....".  Why would the Principal want to see me?  I haven't done anything wrong, or at least I don't think I have.  As I reached his office, I saw him waiting for me.  "Ah, Emerald!  Hello, hows it going!" "Fine..." I say unsure.  'This is really weird...' I think to myself.  "Here, come in!" "ok.".  As I entered, his face suddenly got very serious.  "Emerald, I need to ask you a question..." "Ok, shoot." "Do you know what this 'Slenderman is." I froze.  Why is he asking me that?  I was it not all a dream, did I really see Slendy!?  "Well?" he said, breaking me from my train of thought.  "I don't know much, but I do know that he's a murderer that isn't supposedly human." I reply.  "Do you know what he looks like?" "Really tall, suit, and no hair or face." Where is this guy going with all of this?  "Were you at the hangout yesterday?" "Yeah." Then he stopped.  It was quiet for a second, like he was thinking.  Then after a while, he asked another question.  "Do you remember when you and the whole cheer leading team went into the forest?" "Yes sir." "Well, I heard from some kids that were at the hangout that you came out of the forest about 5 minutes after everyone else did." Don't tell me... "And so, we were wondering if you were in with the joke some of the students were playing." He thought someone was playing a joke!  I mean, I know that some people at our school are real jerks, but I don't think anyone would be willing to wait in that forest alone until the cheerleaders came.  "It wasn't a joke, sir and I only was there longer because when I get really scared  I can't move for a minute or 2." I lied.  If I was really scared I would have run for my life.  He gave me a 'Are you serious?' look and told me I could go. 

                                 So it wasn't a Dream.  He really is back.  My first real friend is back..... And I was pissed.


Hi guys!  Sorry if this chapter isn't that good, I'm just having some problems.  First problem, laziness.  I am probably one of the laziest people I know.  You see, my brain says "You don't have to write it right now! You have plenty of time!" everytime I start to write.  I also blame it on how I get distracted easily.  I also have writer's block.  It's sad, but true.  I mean, I have Ideas but I don't really have a solid thing going on... 


Princes and Pinkie Promises (Slenderman Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz