Chapter 15

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Once again... 

~Bold words are for a menacing voice and aura~ 

~Words in italics for people coming in through a radio~ 

Emerald P.O.V. 

                    What in the world!  Ben was this wacko nut's son!  I stared with shock and surprise at Ben.  He was wearing loose, black jeans and a camo jacket.  He looked kind of awkward, like this was the last place he wanted to be, but I didn't blame him.  "Well," Cormac says breaking the silence, "Tell her." Ben gulps and glances at me.  I glare back, as if it would get this stalker to speak already.  Then he started "Back when I was around seven or eight, I broke the rules my Dad and everyone else put down and went into the woods.  I was curious and I didn't even really get what was so bad about what I was doing." He paused for a minute and stared at me, like he was trying to tell me the story by just looking at me.  "As I got farther into the woods I found a meadow," No way, "and I saw you two." Ben saw me and Slendy together!  "When I saw you both, I recognized Slenderman and ran off, because I knew from the stories that I should not get involved with him alone.  I told everyone what happened and they weren't sure If I was lying, so just in case, they planned that when I got older, I would befriend you in anyway possible to see if I could get information. " 

                           That's why he was dating me?!  As I thought about it for a while, it did start to make a little sense.  Before I broke up with him he was very persistent about learning where we were in the forest during the hangout, in the woods.  Also, after I stormed out of the lunchroom, he went over to a cheerleader that was there when it happened, so maybe he was asking her about it.  After thinking about it some, I say "How do you even know you were just seeing things!?  If you apparently saw us when you were seven our eight, that would mean that happened nine years ago!" He looked at me sadly and said "After I started dating you, I started doubting that I saw you at all that day, but then... A couple days ago, I saw you again with him." A couple days ago.... The night I got shot....! 


Ben P.O.V. 

                                I'm finally going out to find him!  You know, it took Dad long enough to let me out here on night patrol!  "Hey, Ben!  Wake up, we think we found him!" "Really?  Well then, let's go!" There were at least 4 groups out here with at least 5 people in each group.  As we reached the place where we noticed interference with the tracking, we got to very a place very familiar to me, the place I first saw Slenderman, the meadow.  "This it?" I ask.  "Yep, at least, this is the place closest to it.  We aren't aloud to go to the exact location, to dangerous." "Ahh." I say in acknowledgement.  "So, what do we do now?" I ask as we start hiding behind the trees, closest to the meadow.  "Well, if he comes into the meadow, we turn off all devices and try to sneak attack him.  If he doesn't and starts moving away, we follow." Nate says with a smile.  I nod and start feeling stupid.  I mean, we learned most of this in training, but it was kind of nerve racking doing it for real.  It was like all the things I learned in training had disappeared in an instant.  Then suddenly, someone entered the meadow.  "Is that it?" I ask.  It was kind of hard to tell, because it was so far away.  "Not sure." He says, taking out a pair of binoculars.  "Here," he says, "Can you tell?" He asks handing me the binoculars.  As I looked through them, I thought I noticed their face, Emerald!  

                                      Suddenly, I heard a gun shot and a scream.  "No!" I say and glare at the person that shot.  "That's a normal person, idiot!" I say going up and grabbing him.  "Hey, calm down Ben, he didn't kn-" Then, someone yelled.  "It came out, It came out!  Start attack!" Then I saw it.  It was crouched there beside her, reaching down to pick her up.  We all started panicking, knowing that it was picking her up and maybe planning on harming her.  When it noticed us, surprisingly, he started running.  I mean, don't get me wrong, it was running very fast, but from what I've been told, it usually teleports somewhere else and we have to try to find it again.  Never had I heard any stories about it running!

                                                "Come on, Ben!  We have to go after it!" He says in an urgent tone, waking me from my thoughts.  We all start running after it, shooting it as best we can.  When we were shooting at it, I noticed something else, he was dodging the bullets.  Everyone I've heard from that had been able to shoot it said it never affected him, so why was he dodging him?  Was it because he had Emerald or something different?

                                                    After running after him for a while, we lost him.  "Dammit!" Some of the people in my group said and started to slow down.  We decided to keep going for a while and if we didn't detect him we'd go back over to the trucks and join up with the other groups.  As we were walking, I noticed a cave.  It was a small cave, but someone could easily hide in it.  "Hey, What's up?" asks Nate.  "Well, I knew that person that it took and I'm worried about her, so when I look at that cave, I think how easy it would be able to hide a person in there." I say worried.  "Well, don't worry about," He says reassuringly.  "Slenderman rarely ever hides people." He says with a smile.  I gave a nervous smile back and looked back at the cave.  Oh my goodness, I hope she's ok!

~End of FlashBack~ 

Emerald P.O.V. 

                           'So, he was there' I thought.  Well, I guess I can't hide it really anymore.  I mean, they have solid proof from several people!  I hang my head a little and say "Fine, but what do you even want me to tell?  I don't even know much about him!" And the sad thing was, I was telling the truth.  I really knew little to nothing about Slendy other than the things other people knew about him.  It made my heart ache some.  "We want to know where in the woods he stays the most, the area he stays most often." says Cormac.  "We are thinking that if we know this, we could lure him out with you as bait and kill him as quickly and quietly as we can." He says in a business like manner.  I glare and say "How would I know!  Didn't you hear me!  I know little to nothing about him!"  

                          He sighs in an annoyed way and was about to talk when a voice comes from his radio.  "Sir, we have danger coming our way fast!  Slenderman is coming and it is about 10 miles away, but it won't take it anytime at all to get here!  I ask that you please evacuate the area, immediately!" Slendy!.  "Yes, I understand.  We will be leaving the area now!" Though he seems calm, I can tell in his eyes that there is a little fear.  "Hurry!" He commands, "We need to get out of here!  Take the emergency exits!" As he says that, one of the men rush over to one of the walls, takes out a piece of brick from the wall, and slides a small part of the wall away to reveal a dimly lit corridor.  "Let's go!" Ben says, ripping me from my spot on the chair and drags me into the exit.  As we all get into the corridor, Cormac takes the brick, slides the door back in place and puts the brick back in place.  "Come on!  We have to get to the garage!" He orders and starts walking, briskly.  We all follow, until we get to the garage, which has multiple cars in it.  We all pile into one of the cars and start backing out quickly, but suddenly we stop.  "What the-" Cormac starts, but suddenly stops and gets a terrified look on his face as he looks to the back of the car.  We all look back to see what he see's, dreading what was there.   

And there at the back of the car, stopping us from going any further, was a very angry looking Slendy. 


Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed that!  By the way, I'm not sure but, there will either be one or two more chapters after this one!  I really hope everyone has liked this story and I am so grateful for all my readers reading this!  I would not have been here without you! :) 

Oh, and please comment! You guys have slowly stopped posting comments on this story until on chapter 14, I got no comments!  I REALLY like comments, so pleeeeeeeease post some comments!  It's part of why I continued with this story! :)  



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