Chapter 3

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Hello again! Another chapter for you and I might start on the next one too. I'm supposed to be working on my original project but seeing as I've hit a writer's block I'm switching things up and chasing some NS plot bunnies instead! So what is bad for my novel is a benefit to you lovely people! Hope you enjoy the next part!

And for those who review, favourite and follow this story, your love is highly appreciated!

Chapter 3

Ascension sat in Justice's office, listening to Brass give a full report of what had happened after their SUV had left the hotel. Beside him, Shane flinched and rubbed a hand wearily over his face at the mention of the woman being struck. Ascension didn't miss the mumbled curse that broke from the human.

Shane, who was normally rather jovial and steadfast, had been seriously shaken by the accident. The task force member hadn't been able to drive the rest of the way home his hands were shaking so badly and he kept turning in his seat to check with Ascension to make sure the fallen woman was all right. The busted knuckles on his right hand showed where he had repeatedly punched the wall in security after a team from medical had come for the woman.

It was evident to all the New Species that Shane was troubled, feeling shame and anger at himself. The human man smelled of sharp pain and despair, even though the accident was of no fault of his own.

Ascension wasn't sure what to say to the human, instead following him into Justice's office and sitting with him in solidarity. As Brass wrapped up his recounting of the nights events, Shane pushed himself up in his chair and took a deep breath, ready for anything.

Justice sighed and stood, coming around the desk to lean against the front, crossing his arms over his solid chest. "Well I'm glad you decided to bring the woman here to Homeland instead of taking her to a hospital. I can only imagine the field dayfun the press would have had with that." Justice sighed and shook his head. "That is a circus I am happy to avoid. On a good note, Doctor Harris sent us a report just before you got here to let us know the woman is doing well. A little banged up and she looks to have been in an altercation but she's doing fine."

The males all slid a glance Shane's way when the man seemed to collapse in relief. He leaned forward, head almost to his knees, and dug his fingers into his short brown hair. He held the pose for a moment before shooting up to give Justice a half smile. "Would you mind if I went over to see her? She scared the life out of me and I just want to see she's okay with my own eyes. Not sure I can sleep until I do."

Justice gave him a small smile and a nod. "Of course. I would do the same in your shoes."

"Thanks." Shane stood, turning to head out.

"I'll go with him. I'd like to make sure she is in good health." Ascension said, standing to follow. Both Justice and Brass gave him a surprised look but he walked out, ignoring them.

Shane was just exiting the building when Ascension caught up to him. Catching the man's attention he gestured at the golf cart parked at the curb. "I had Snow drop it off."

They climbed in and drove over to medical without a word shared between them. When they arrived Paul directed them down a hall toward the woman's room. Shane paused a few feet down the hallway and Ascension stopped beside him, curious what the human was thinking.

"Thank you for coming with me." Shane said quietly for Ascension's ears alone. The man didn't look at him, just eyed the door through which the female resided. "I was so terrified. I thought I'd killed her. God, I think that moment scared ten years off my life."

Ascension wasn't sure what to say. Honesty he could handle but giving comfort? It wasn't something he had a lot of experience with. He awkwardly put a hand on the human man's shoulder and gave a slight squeeze. "Let's go see her. You will feel better once you have."

Shane gave a nod and headed into the room, Ascension following.

Ascension stopped as soon as he crossed the threshold. His breath caught in his chest and his fingers twitched at his sides.

The woman was sitting up in the hospital bed, smiling and laughing with Field. Her smile was sweet and apologetic as Shane introduced himself and she brushed off his worry with the wave of one small hand.

For Ascension it was like watching the sun rise. He had held this woman - bloody, bruised and battered - in his arms hours ago. It had pained him to look down at her unconscious body. He hadn't known anything about her at the time. Now he wanted to know everything he could find out.

The soft brown hair that had been coming loose from a ponytail last time he'd seen her was now draped around her shoulders in a silken fall. Her brown eyes were bright even though one of them was surrounded by a dark smudge of bruising. Her lip was split and swollen but she smiled as Field gestured to Ascension and introduced him.

Ascension wished he could hear the words she was saying but all he could pay attention to was the sound of his heart pounding in his chest. He had taken in her scent last night and now that he could smell her again she made his mouth water.

He wanted to keep her safe.

He wanted to hold her.

He wanted to taste her.

He wanted to toss the other males out on their asses for daring to come near his female.

Oh shit. His female.

Ascension stared at the little brunette in the hospital bed and wondered what he was supposed to do now.

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