Back in Beacon

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Stiles' POV

I pulled my Jeep into the driveway, which looked oddly empty since my dad was parked in the garage. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back. The garage was closed, but my dad and I usually went in through there, so I figured I'd do that. I opened the padlock and stared at the numbers for a second before remembering the passcode. 1 9 6 7, the year my mom was born.

The garage was even more cluttered than before. I noticed a lot of my old stuff like my dresser and and some clothes I didn't take with me. My dad probably didn't know what to do with it and didn't want to sell it. I made my way through the mess and to the door. I knocked, even though I knew it'd be unlocked. After a few seconds the door opened and my dad brought me into a big hug.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey, Stiles. Wow. Look at you, you look... you look like a man!"

"Really?" I asked, a bit confused. "It's only been three months, dad."

"I know, I know. It seems like it's been a lot longer though, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. It does."

"I missed you."

I smiled, "I did too."

We walked in and the familiar scent of my home flooded all around me. Coming back wasn't at all how I imagined it would be. In my head I pictured everything feeling so different, like I'd been away for years, but that's not at all how it was. Actually, the whole thing seemed oddly normal, like I'd only been gone for the weekend instead of three months.

I brought my bag into my room and hung up the clothes Lydia had helped me pick out. Lydia! I promised to call her when I got to my house. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey," she said, and I could practically hear her smile.


"Are you home?"

"Yeah, I just started unpacking."

"Oh, well I don't want to keep you. You should be with your dad."

"No, I wanna talk to you. I miss you."

She giggled. "So do I. But you can call me tonight, seriously."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. I'll call you tonight then."

"Alright. Bye, Stiles."


"Who was that?"

I jumped up in surprise and turned around to see my dad standing in my doorway.

"Oh my god, dad." I said, trying to catch my breath.


"No, it's okay, I just... didn't know you were there, that's all."

"Who was that you were talking too?"

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you about Lydia, have I?"

"I don't believe so."

"She's my girlfriend." I said, and I couldn't hide the smile on my face that came up with every mention of her.

"Oh, really? Wow. That's great! That's so great, Stiles. I'm glad you, uh, are moving on."

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I am."

"I know how much you liked Malia and how serious things were with her. It's good that you're seeing other people."

"Yeah..." There was silence for a few seconds. I didn't know what else to say, and I don't think my dad did either.

"Are you hungry?" He said finally.

"Yeah, actually."

"Okay. Why don't you call Scott and we can all go get something to eat?"

"Alright, yeah that sounds good."

I picked up my phone and started calling Scott. He'd gotten back last night and was staying in town for the rest of the week. My dad started to leave the room but turned around and faced me again.

"Stiles?" He said.


"I'm really glad you're back."

"Me too, Dad."


"I gotta say, your taste in girls has really improved," Scott said as he zoomed in on Allison's face. "She's pretty hot."

"Not her, dumb ass," I said and took my phone back. I zoomed in on Lydia's face. The only picture I had of her on my phone was with Allison, Isaac, and me, too. "That's her."

"Oh. Yeah, she's cute." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Who's the other girl, though?"

"That's Allison. She's in a relationship and, might I remind you, so are you."

"I'm kidding!" He said, raising his hands in surrender. Just then my dad walked in.

"You boys ready?" He asked.

"I guess. Where are we going?"

"Up to you."

I thought about it for a moment, trying to think of a place around here that they didn't have at Berkeley. I looked at Scott and we had one of those moments where we pretty much communicate with our faces.

"Rojas!" We said, simultaneously.

Rojas was a Mexican place that had, in mine and Scotts opinion, the best burritos in the entire world. The sad part was that it literally only existed in Beacon. I've never found one anywhere else, and neither has Scott.

We ordered our food and ate like we hadn't had food in days. It felt so good to be with Scott and just talk like we used to. A few times I almost felt like I was back in high school, out getting dinner after a lacrosse game or something. Once we finished lunch and paid, Scott and I decided to walk around town.

"It's sad to think we probably won't ever live here again," Scott said as we were walking. "Kira and I have been talking about getting an apartment in San Fran together."

"Are you serious?"


"Dude, that's huge! That'll be great."

"What about you and Lydia?"

"What about us?"

"Have you started, like, planning your futures around each other?"

"We've been dating for like a day, Scott."

"I'm just saying. If you guys get, you know, serious."

"I guess it's a possibility."

Honestly I hadn't even thought about that until then. What if we're still together when we graduate? Would I follow her or vice versa? Or would we try to convince ourselves that a long distance relationship couldn't be that bad? I knew I shouldn't worry about it, it's years away. But I couldn't help thinking about what had happened with Malia.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH THIS STORY I AM SORRY I SUCK. but it means a lot that I still have so many people reading this story given that I haven't updated in two weeks :)
so seriously thank you guys. I'm excited for the next few chapters and hopefully they won't take as long! I love you all
- Kaitlyn

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