Slumber Party

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Stiles' POV

"Okay, so since you completely bailed on us last weekend," Isaac said. Lydia rolled her eyes.

"You have to make up for it," Allison finished.

"Fair enough," I said. "But what will be the form of payment?"

Allison and Isaac looked at each other and nodded. "We both asked around and there's no talk of any parties this weekend," Isaac informed us. "So here's the deal. We're gonna have a sleepover at our place."

Lydia just laughed and Isaac stared me down.

"What?" I said.

"You're not gonna protest?"

"There's no point."

"I'm glad you've learned your lesson," Isaac turned to Lydia. "And you?"

"I agree with Stiles. No point in arguing with it."

"Fantastic. Anyways, Friday night. Bring blankets and pillows, snacks will be provided."

The excitement on Isaacs face somehow made me less excited than I already was. And I wasn't excited to begin with. There was no getting out of this.

Lydia's POV

I went to Allison and Isaacs place around 7:00. Allison had finally convinced Isaac to let her cook, and she made cheeseburgers on the grill. They'd set up air mattresses, pillows, blankets, and a stack of DVD's on the living room floor. I didn't even try to avoid sitting next to Stiles, since Isaac and Allison would no doubt be making out half way into whatever movie we watched.

The movie choice was on Stiles and I. We asked Isaac and Allison many times what they wanted to watch, but the response was either a dismissive hand wave or 'It doesn't matter.'

"I didn't think it was possible for two people to talk so much," Stiles said about Allison and Isaac as we looked through the DVD's. "Do you know any of these movies? I've never even heard of half of these."

"Are you serious?" I held up a copy of The Princess Diaries. "You've never seen this?"

"The Princess Diaries. Doesn't really sound like anything I'd be interested in, believe it or not."

"Okay fine," I set it down and picked up Footloose. "This?"

"I've heard of it."

"But... you've never seen it?" He shook his head and continued looking.

"These all sound so stupid. A Cinderella Story?"

"That's a classic!"

"For girls."

"For anyone! Hilary Duff movies are always amazing."

"Who?" Stiles asked. I sighed and laid back on the air mattress. This would be a long night.

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