Pizza's here||Max, Ian, and Joji

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This is a favor for a friend
Dont judge me.


"Hey! (Y/N)! We got an order going out! Last one of the night!" Yelled Steve from the kitchen.

Steve. He was the assistant manager of the pizza shop you worked at part-time. The pay wasn't much but, it was enough to get by on.
You raised your head groggily from your seat in the front of the store. You had to work the late shift on Fridays and you hated it.

Always having to deliver pizzas to drunks at parties or answer prank calls.
Fucking bullshit.
You got up from your seat and walked over to the counter where Steve was standing. He chuckled at your sleepy manner and handed you two pizza boxes and a receipt.

"Remember, 30 minutes or less. Now hurry; I cant lock up without you being here." Steve directed.

You blankly stared at him, not hearing a damn thing he had said.

"Well? What are you waiting for? GO!!"

You shook your head and said:
"Right. Sorry. I'll be back in a few. Don't lock up with out me!"

Steve sighed as the last part of your sentence was muffled by the glass entrance of the store closing behind you.

You ran to your delivery vehicle and quickly unlocked the door.
You hopped in, pizzas still in hand, and closed the door.
You then placed the boxes in the passenger seat beside you and buckled them in. The hot metal of the buckle burned the tips of your fingers but you didn't have time for pain.

You turned and scrambled to find the car keys in the console. You sifted through the gum and trash until you found them.

You quickly started the car engine and were about to pull out of the lot when you realized, you didn't know where you were going. The receipt that Steve gave you had the address on it so you had to find it.

You patted your pants pockets and even searched the pizza boxes when you remembered that you put it in your shirt pocket. You pulled it out and began to scan the waxy piece of paper for the information you needed.

"Uh... Two medium pepperoni, one cheese...yeah yeah." You said quickly.

When you reached the bottom of the paper you saw the address.
'42 wallaby way, Perth'
That rung a bell.
You lowered the receipt and placed a finger to your chin.
'42 wallaby way, 42 wallaby way, 42 walla-shit.'

You slammed your head down on the steering wheel, almost causing the air bag to burst out.
That was Max's address.

Its not like you didn't enjoy going over to Max's to chill but if and when he has company over; it always got a say the least.
And; it was a Friday night so the chances of him having company over were higher than average. You sighed, raising your head and placing your hands on the wheel.
Im too tired for this.
You thought as you drove onto the free way.


You were still on the road and it had been at least 40 minutes.

"Mu'fuckin' Max. Making me work n' shit. Fuckin' tired as hell. The fuck man."

At this point you were so exhausted that it seemed perfectly average to talk to yourself.

(Maxmoefoe, Idubbbz, Joji/Filthyfrank) X Reader CancerWhere stories live. Discover now