Chapter 13• Stupidity

Start from the beginning

"My son." It was barely over a whisper. I furrowed my eyebrows. Had I heard him right?

"He's my son." He spoke louder. Will let go of my hand to go look at his newly found father.

Davy Jones laughed heartily speaking something in his thick accent that I couldn't understand.

Until Davy repeated, "Five lashes be owed." However, this time he handed the whip to his father.

"No." His father gasped out. "No I won't."

I walked away to go try and take the blame or do anything to try and save Will, until he grabbed my hand.

"Don't you dare." He whispered. "This is not your price to pay."

What made me sick was his father ended up doing it. Davy had offered five for Will in return for 10 for his father. And his father protected himself from the pain, doing it to his son.

Will intertwined his fingers through mine, his grip getting tighter with each lash. He didn't scream though, he held it in not giving the sick, sadistic the pleasure of his screams.

"It's almost over." I whispered as another lash struck him, this time his whole body lurching upwards. It was the third. "Just two more."

The fourth I knew hurt a lot as his father didn't even give him time to catch his breath. "One more darling. One more."

And what a relief the last one was. His hands squeezed so much on mine, I felt the bones crack and start to bruise.

The two crewmen quickly snatched him away throwing him down to the floor beneath us harshly. I followed, punching the two men that threw him down there before following.

I grimaced at the deep, harsh lashes crossing each other across his back. Will stumbled over to one of the rip secure structures, leaning over and taking deep breaths.
"Will!" The gruff voice of his father followed us down. I growled in dismay turning to glare at him.

"I don't need your help!" Will said before I could.
"It's going to get infected. Covered in mold if you don't cover it."
"So I'm to understand that what you did was an act of compassion?" Will spat.

"Yes." His father came closer and I stepped in front of Will cautiously glaring at him.Will put a hand on my shoulder squeezing it reassuringly.

"It's okay. I'll go with him." Will said.

"Are you sure?" I asked carefully still not liking the idea.
"Yes. I'll see you in a minute, love."

I nodded still sending his father weary looks but letting him go nonetheless. I didn't like or trust Bill. I watched them as they went downstairs to the lower deck.
"What did you do to get here?" One of the coral filled crewmen approached me, an evil glint in his eye.

"Nothing." I said rolling my eyes, stepping away from him, however he still approached.
"Oh come on lass, don't be like that." HIs crusted and moldy hand ran up my thigh, to which I smacked it away sharply.
"Don't touch me!" I hissed.

"Well, you're the only girl the crew has seen in years, you can't deny us of our needs." He snarled a slight smirk on his face. I glared at him.
"Yes I can." I growled. His face formed of anger, taking my wrists one of his strong hands the other, ripping my tunic.

"Get off me!" I shouted, kneeing him in his prized possessions making him let go with a groan. "Don't ever come near me again." I spat before landing a punch across his face, knocking him out cold. I huffed in annoyance kicking his body out of my way as Will ran up to me, from downstairs.

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