Hurt her? How? "Then don't."

"It's not that simple," His hands gripped her hips and he pulled her into his lap. "What if just being with me puts you in danger?"

He was seeking something from her. Any kind of sign that she didn't want this. But even as he tried to warn her away from him, he held her tight.

Halia palmed his cheek, a resigned smile playing on her lips. "So be it."

Cade groaned and turned his lips to the center of her hand. "You're too good for me."

Quirking a brow she nudged at his shoulders until he was lying flat on his back. "I can be bad."

"Oh I know—"

Her mouth was on his neck, nibbling at suddenly hot skin. Canines smaller than his raked over strong tendons as her tongue followed the path of raised flesh. She hummed against his throat. "You're delicious," And he was. She had tasted him in more ways than one and his flavor was something she'd come to crave.

Cade flushed at her compliment, the green of his eyes nearly swallowed by blown pupils. "T-thanks. You're tasty, too."

A broad smile wobbled on her lips but she quickly shook it away. They needed to talk. That was something she wanted, right? As much as she enjoyed this, there were some things that could only be expressed with words. So she climbed out of his lap with a pout and put necessary distance between them.

He watched her move with a disappointed frown which she quickly attacked.

"Put that away," Halia pinched his cheeks, manipulating his lips into a faux smile. "I want to talk."

"M'kay...about what?"

She flopped back against the mattress and gazed up at him. "What's wrong with your people?"

Cade grinned and nestled beside her, his answer a joking exhale. "Besides the obvious?"

She rolled her eyes but laughed anyway. "Yes, Cade. Besides that."

"They're sick. And we don't get sick. Ever."

"Oh," That sounded worse than expected. "There's, um, no cure or anything?"

"We're working on it but not yet, no. It affects our ability to feed—the ones infected have developed some kind of blood intolerance. They can't digest blood."

"Not at all?" Wouldn't they starve to death?

"Nope," He sighed and gathered her in his arms. "Not even a little. They've been surviving off my supplements. They hate me for that," He smirked down at her, but she couldn't return his smile.

"They're assholes who would be dead without you."

Cade only shrugged but Halia continued, a simmering anger making her bold.

"They don't deserve you. You've done more for them—tried harder, than anyone here. They don't fucking deserve you," She repeated grumpily, fingers itching in violence. She'd like to get her hands on one of those bastards. On anyone who would treat Cade like less than a goddamn angel.

He heard those last thoughts and laughed out loud. An angel? Really?

She glared at him with a small scowl. "What?"

"N-Nothing," Cade forced the smile from his face and held her tighter in his arms, trying to calm his flustered mate. "Hey, it's alright. Don't work yourself up over them, okay?"

"Fuck 'em." She finally muttered against his shoulder and he chuckled as he stroked a hand through her hair.

"Feel better?"

"A little." Halia abruptly sat up and peered down. "Why do you stay here? You've never thought about leaving?"

That was a... complicated question. On one hand, hell yes he'd thought of leaving. Many times. On the other, where would he go? There was nowhere else for someone like him.

"I have."

She poked him in the side when after a long pause he made no move to elaborate.

Cade shot her a playful glare and batted away the offending finger. "The timing was never right and, uh, where would I go anyway?"

"Well, what about now?"

His brow furrowed with a hum of confusion.

"Would to leave with me? We could go wherever you want." She quickly added when an awed look overtook his features.

It only took him a second to answer. "Yes, yeah—I mean, of course." A beaming, dimpled smile nearly blinded her and he leaned close to kiss her. "That sounds great."

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