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Uta quietly curled up into a ball on the sofa of the Asahina household. Masaomi was sat next to him, quietly nursing a cup of chai tea while they waited patiently for the other brothers to arrive.

Wataru was calmly curled up on the couch as well, playing with his bunny. Uta looked down at his hands, pushing a hair behind his ear calmly.

He could almost feel Masaomi's eyes flickering onto his form, and tried his hardest not to glare at him. Masaomi had broken up with him, and now they were brothers?

It was just great.

"Brother? We're home!" A loud voice called, snapping Uta from his thoughts. He looked up and saw two tall men, one with soft looking grey hair, and the other with a purplish colored locks that covered one eye.

"Iori-nii! Azu-nii!" Wataru cried, jumping to his feet and running to the two boys. Iori smiled a little, patting Wataru's head while 'Azu' smiled fondly at him.

"Hello, Wataru." Iori said quietly, moving his eyes up to see Uta. His brown eyes widened on Uta's surprised form, and Uta watched as a blush rose up onto his face.

Uta looked away shyly, but stood up and reluctantly followed Masaomi to the two brothers. Uta looked up through his thick eyelashes, and his eyes met Azu's deep purple one.

"Azusa, Iori, this is Uta Daishou. He'll be staying with us, as our brother." Masaomi said, his voice sounding tough at the word 'brother'.

Uta looked up at Masaomi's face, but almost immediately looked down. Masaomi's face swirled with only one emotion, protectiveness.

His brown eyes were dark, and his lips were pursed into a thin line as he looked over the two brothers.

"Of course." Azusa said firmly, his own purple eyes looking steely. Iori nodded as well, still silent as he watched Masaomi with careful eyes.

After a few moments of tense silence, Iori started to speak, but a voice interrupted him.

"I'll take him to his room."

Uta looked up to the stairwell, seeing a short girl with long brown hair that was curled into into a loose ponytail. Her brown eyes were soft, but seemed..Oddly misty for some reason.

Uta stared at her for a few moments before he realized what he was doing and looked away. He quickly walked up to the stairway, nodding back to Masaomi before he walked calmly up the stairs, refusing to speak to him.

He followed the girl quickly, holding his bag close to his chest as they walked down a long hallway, passing many closed doors, most of them with the names of the residents on the doors, until they got to one with the name Ema on the door.

"You'll be staying here."she said, smiling at him gently.

"We weren't able to finish your room, so, is this okay?" She asked gently, her hand resting on the door knob.

"Of course." Uta said shortly, giving Ema the smallest of smiles as she opened the door and lead him inside.

"Get comfortable," the brunette called after him, "I'll be downstairs preparing lunch with Masomi-San." She then closed the door, leaving Uta in silence.

He sighed as he sat down on one of the two beds in the room. There was a curtain separating his 'room' from Ema's, and even though it wasn't much, it was more than he was expecting.

He flopped on his bed, tossing his bag onto the ground and he curled into a ball around his pillow.

This was it.

His home.

And unbeknownst to him, it would be his home, forever..

Brother Knows Best (Yandere Brother's Conflict) Where stories live. Discover now