Chapter 25

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Zane continued to ask me questions as I watched the angry police man stalking towards us.  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, wincing as I did so.  My lip had busted almost in half, I could feel where my teeth had cut the soft tissue.

"Excuse me,"  The police officer said, placing his arms on his hips, "What's going on here?"  For some reason or another he hadn't noticed the passed out Jaden on the floor behind us.  The other boy had magically disappeared.

"Oh, hello sir."  Zane said, taking a step back and turning to face him.  The man narrowed his eyebrows and his lips pulled into a tight line.

"I said, what's going on here?"

"Well you see-"  I placed a hand on Zane's shoulder, silencing him immediately. 

"Jaden,"  I pointed to the boy behind me, "Kissed me on the cheek.  Zane, my boyfriend, got mad and tackled him.  They started fighting and I intervened so no one would get hurt.  Obviously I got hurt, but at least it wasn't them."

"And what did you do to him?"  The officer asked, raising an eyebrow.  He actually looked somewhat amused.

"Well, I used a pressure point...It's called an Indian hold.  It cuts off the blood flow to the brain and makes you pass out.  He'll be fine when he wakes up."  I was actually impressed with myself, and I would've been proud if I had successfully kept anyone from getting hurt.

"I see."  The man mumbled, pulling out a pen and writing on his notepad, "Who threw the first punch?"  I thought back, trying to make since of the mess.

"Jaden did, but Zane tackled him first."  He nodded. 

"Well, since no one is hurt I'll let it slide this time, but it better not happen again."

"Yes sir."  Me and Zane said at the same time.

"Now you two go straight home."  I nodded and started walking forward, wiping my mouth again.  The blood was still seeping into my mouth, but not as bad.

"Wait, Demi!"  I spun around and was wrapped in Zane's arms, "I'm so so sorry!  I didn't know you were on Jaden, I wouldn't of flipped him over if I had known!"

"I'm fine, Zane."  I muttered against his chest.  He made no  move to let me go.

"But why did you even tackle us?"  I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Because I can't stand it when you fight, plus it's a good thing I did.  A few seconds later the police man would've pulled you apart and that would've been bad!"  He laughed, releasing me. 

"Are you sure your okay?"  He placed a finger on my lip, pulling it down so he could see.  I hissed in pain and pulled back, sucking on my bottom lip, "That looks bad...I'm going to take you to the clinic."  He laced his fingers in mine pulling me forward.  I opened my mouth to ask where we were going, but the bleeding had increased.  I was too focused on applying pressure to my mouth to ask any questions.  Even if I had tried harder to talk, I probably wouldn't have been able to, it hurt to much.  Around the corner there was a little shop that said 'Clinic' on the front door.  Zane lead me in and set me in a seat before going to the front desk and talking to the lady behind it.

"The'll see you in a minute."  He said, taking the seat next to me.  I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain.  I wanted to ask why this was necessary, I didn't think it was.  My stomach started churning as more and more blood slipped down my throat.  I could feel myself getting dizzy, so I leaned my head back and tried to focus on my heart beats.  One...Two....Three...Four...Five...

"Demitra Watson,"  I opened my eyes to see a lady with brown hair and chocolate eyes standing in an open door way.  She wore nurse scrubs that were a light pink. "Come with me, please."  After one last glance at Zane I followed the lady through the maze of hallways.  She weighed me, measured me, and then set me in a room by myself.  There was a mirror so I decided to check on my lip.  I walked up to the mirror and gasped.  I had blood covering my chin, and some smears on my cheeks.  Looking down at my hands I realized the back of my wrists also had blood smeared on them.  I ran over to the sink, immediately turning on the water.  I washed my hand and face, and rinsed out my mouth before wiping my face off with paper towels and sitting back on the waiting table.

"Miss Watson?"  An elderly lady walked in, wearing Winnie the Poo nurse scrubs.  She had short grey hair and thin frame glasses that sat on the tip of her nose, "I'm Doctor Ashe, what seems to be the trouble?"

"My lip is bleeding."  I managed to mumble.  She nodded and pulled on her gloves, walking towards me.  The glove felt weird and slimy as she pulled back my lip, examining the cut.

"Oh dear, I think you should get stitches for this."  I started to panic, I had never had stitches before, "Don't worry, it's no big deal. I can do it here if you like."  I nodded, "Good, well go ahead and lay down and I'll get my supplies."  She scurried out of the room as I laid down, trying to get comfortable on the lumpy mattress.  I took deep breaths to try and calm my racing pulse, which helped.  By the time she got back I was breathing normally.  She was followed in by two other nurses who were dragging a metal table behind them.

"Okay, now Demitra?  I'm going to give you two numbing shots to numb the area.  You may feel some pressure, but it shouldn't hurt."  I felt the cold sting of a disinfectant wipe around the area of my mouth, cleaning all the germs and blood.  Then, there was a stinging feeling, it took a ton of will power not to jerk away, "Good, that's one."  The second shot wasn't as bad, the medicine was already taking effect.  I glanced up to see her stringing a black thread through a needle, which made me feel sick.  Slowly I laid back down, counting my heart beats to calm my rigid breathing.


"Are you okay?"  Zane asked, jumping to his feet.

"She's fine, but she can't talk." Doctor Ashe said, "I had to stitch her lip so her mouth is numb."  He nodded, "Well, take care Miss Watson, make sure not to eat for a few hours."  I smiled and followed Zane out of the door.  I would've asked about paying, but the sign on the door said it was free.

"Are you okay?"  Zane asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded, "Did it hurt?"  I shook my head.  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm really sorry abou-"  I cut him off, placing a finger over his lips and shaking my head.  He smiled and picked me up, swinging me to his back.  I could feel myself falling so I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, yelping in surprise, "Shh, your not aloud to talk."  I giggled and whacked Zane on the head, trying hard not to laugh.


"Children, time for dinner!"  I forced open my eyes as Emma called us to eat. We were at Zane's grandmas house in Dover, so I now shared a room with Aria and Alex.  It was the upstairs attic which had been converted into a room.  There were three beds, each with a trunk at the end, and one small window on the far left wall.  Other than that, the room was bare.  I groaned as I made my way down the stairs, trying not to fall on the way.

"Hey."  Zane said, slinging an arm over my shoulder.  I smiled at him, "You can talk now, right?"

"Yeah, but it kinda hurts."  I said, grimacing in pain.

"Then don't talk, woman!"  He exclaimed, bumping hips with me playfully.  I laughed as I sat down in my seat next to Aria, poking her in the ribs.  She giggled as she spooned another mouthful of peas in her mouth.

"Here you go, dear."  I turned to see Zane's grandma place a bowl of ice cream in front of me.

"Thank you Mrs. Angelo."  I said, trying not to whimper.

"Why does she get ice cream?"  Ian whined, looking at my bowl.

"Because she has stitches and you don't."  Alex said, patting Ian on the head.  He huffed and placed a hand on his chin, causing everyone to laugh. 

All in all, - excluding the stiches - my time in England wasn't turning out so bad.

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