Chapter 28

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I set down my last box and sighed, shaking my head. Christmas break had come all to fast, each day rushing by in a blur. I felt like my last moments with the Angelo's weren't the best, but I had to make them better somehow. They were leaving right after church, hopping on a plane and then they would be gone. Zane walked in behind me, wrapping his arms around waist.

"You can still come with us." He whispered in my ear. I shivered and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I was on the verge of tears, and that would help nothing. Every time I closed my eyes I saw his heart broken face from the time I told him I wasn't leaving. That was almost enough to make me go, but I had to be strong.

I shook my head, "No, I need to do this. For me. I need to make something of my life, turn it around. I may look fine on the outside. But Zane, I'm still very broken..." He spun me around to face him. He looked like he was about to cry, I already was. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked at him, shaking my head, "Please don't make this harder."

"I.." his voice cracked, "I can fix you."

"I'm broken beyond repair, let me make this decision. Please understand I need to do this." As a response he crashed his lips to mine, making me moan. I threw my arms around his neck, jumping so my legs were around his waist. He asked for entrance, so I opened for him, letting him explore mouth. I shivered as his tongue traced the roof of my mouth. Suddenly, we were moving, but I hardly noticed. I didn't even notice I was laid on the bed and Zane was on top of me.

"Oi!" Austin yelled, causing Zane to pull away, "No making out or sex in my house!" Zane laughed and rolled off of me, pulling me into his arms. I buried my head in his neck, smelling his sweet smell. He smelled safe, like he was my home. Weird, I know, but true nevertheless. "Zane, it's almost time to go to church." I groaned as he pulled away, standing to his feet.

"Do you have to go?" I groaned, giving him the puppy dog face.

He chuckled and said,  "Yes, unfortunately. I think we would have more fun here." He wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh.

"Nasty." Austin said, crumpling up his face. I stuck my tongue out at him and skipped out of the room, hoping to avoid punishment. Emma and Aria were standing in the open door way, heading outside.

"There you are!" Emma said, glaring up the stairs. I turned to see Zane and Austin barreling down the stairs after me. "Are you coming with us, Demi?"

"No, sorry." I said. I still wasn't a Christian, so why should I go to church?  He frowned at me but nodded, walking out of sight.

"Come on man, were going be late." Austin said, pushing past me and put the door. I turned back to see Zane directly behind me, looking sad.

"Will you please come?" He asked.


"Please Demi, this is my last day.....please." I gulped, staring at him. How could I say no? I nodded slowly, taking his hand. He smiled and lead me out the door, sitting in the car and taking off. The car ride was silent, everyone shocked that I was coming. I felt a little awkward as we pulled up to the brick building. There was a stain glass window at the top of the brick in the shape of a cross, it was almost mesmerizing. We parked and piled out of the car, heading to the door. Zane stopped me outside, taking each of my hands and leading me off to the side.

We walked around the building into a garden, where there was a swing underneath two huge trees. He motioned for me to sit down, so I did. When he stayed standing I started to get scared.

"Zane, are you mad?" I asked, shocked by how panicked my voice sounded.

"What? No!" he exclaimed, sitting next to me and pulling me into his lap. I felt so relieved it was kinda weird. "I don't think I could ever be mad at you, I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." His lips pressed to my cheek, causing my heart to race. I really did love him, more than anyone in the world.

"I have something for you." he said, reaching into his pocket. I jumped up and gasped.

"You didn't need to get me anything!" I watched excitedly as he pulled put a black jewelry box, placing it in my hand. Slowly I opened it, gasping as I saw what was inside. Inside was a pair of earrings in the shape of hearts, with cursive letters on them. I smiled as I saw it said 'Z and D' in tiny letters.

"Do you like them?" he asked. I looked up to him and smiled, at a loss for words. They were beautiful, I loved them. I bent down and kissed him hard on the lips, trying to express all my love. My body began to throb, so I pulled away, trying to ignore the urge I had inside me. "I'm glad." he said, making me laugh. I slipped the earrings out of the box, twirling them in my fingers.

"Thank you." I said, pulling him to his feet.

"You're welcome, I wanted to give them to you for Christmas but..." he trailed off, looking to the sky.

"Yeah..." I rubbed my neck uncomfortably, "We should go in now, we're late, right?" He nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the door. Inside was just as beautiful as the outside. There was red velvet carpet and several wooden benches, but I saw nothing else because Zane pulled me into the sanctuary. We walked past huge wooden doors into a large auditorium. On the stage was a man, a man I never thought I would see again.


I felt my heart begin to race as a thousand images flashed past my eyes. Slowly I bean to panic, my breathing had become uneven. He had stopped talking and was staring at me, a small smile on his face. I could tell by the look of lust in his eyes he remembered me, and would defiantly hurt me again. That was all I could take, I wouldn't stay and let him get to me. I pulled loose from Zane's hand and ran right out of the building. I didn't stop there, I kept going. I ran down the path way and through the parking lot, gasping for breath.

I could hear Zane yelling behind me, but I ignored it. My legs started to feel weak as the panic took over me, almost making me fall. Suddenly, I was in pain. Pain so immense it was almost unbearable. I didn't know what had happened, I couldn't see anything. My side felt like it was on fire, I could feel a sticky hot liquid running down my arms and the cold cement under my skin.

People shouted around me, car horns filled the air. I was vaguely aware I had run into a road, but I wasn't sure. Everything was blurry, and it hurt to think, so I let myself be numb. I gave in to the sleep that was pulling at my mind, taking me from the pain and the world I knew.

And then I saw a flash of white.

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