Chapter 11

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I sat with Zanes head in my lap, sobbing quietly to myself.  I was to scared to check for a heart beat; if there wasn't one I don't know what I would have done.  Eventually, the police barged in with the paramedics.  Zane was rushed out in about three seconds, me running after them.  In the door way, a big police officer stepped in my way, blocking my path.

"Miss, My name is Officer Little, we need to speak." He said, smiling at me.  I nodded but didn't move, hoping this wouldn't take very long, "What does you stepfather look like?"

"You mean you didn't catch him?!"  I screamed, filling with shock.

"No, not yet.  He was gone when we reached your house." The man was trying to keep me calm with a kind smile, but it wasn't working.

"But...The gun..."  I muttered, already running up the stairs.  My heart was pumping so fast, I thought I would pass out.  This couldn't be happening.  I pushed passed the men in my room, falling to the ground in the process.  I fell right where I dropped the gun; the weapon was gone, "Oh no...."

"Hey, you can't be in here right now. Were running an investigation."

"But you don't understand!  I had a's gone!  My step father took it!"  I screamed, grabbing Officer Little by the shoulders.  For some reason, I was loosing it.

"You had a gun?" He questioned, confused.

"Yes, my step father keeps one in his room and when he took out the knife, I ran and grabbed it, hoping it would keep Zane safe....obviously I was wrong..."  I trailed off, looking to the ground as more tears found their way down my raw cheeks.  "Please...don't take him..."  I whispered, for some reason feeling the need to pray, "He did's all my fault."  When I looked up, the police officer was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Well, that explains the bullet hole in the wall."  I nodded, being at a loss for words.  "Miss, we're going to call you later.  For right now, go somewhere where you can rest and recover from your shock."  I nodded again, this time I walked out the door, dragging my feet.  I guess I had to go to the Angelos house and - and then it clicked.  They didn't know yet!  The Angelos son was in the hospital, dying, and they didn't know!

It was then I started running.  I sprinted through my house, through the door and down the street.  Houses flew by me in a blur, and still I forced myself to run faster.  I pushed open the door, not even bothering to knock.  When I ran into the family room, everyone, except for Aria was crowded around the TV watching "My Wife and Kids," or something like that.  They all looked up at me, startled, and began running towards me.  I probably looked like shit.  My eyes were probably red and puffy, my hair probably ratted, and I probably had blood on my clothes.  Zane's blood.

"Demi honey, what happened?  Whats wrong?  Where's Zane?"  Emma ran over to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.  her motherly instincts were kicking in, I could tell.

"Zane!"  I yelled, twisting from her grip, "He's in the hospital, my step-"  I didn't get to finish.  Everyone was up and running in seconds, sprinting to the car.  I was still in a daze, so Will grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the car. 

"Now, tell us what happened."  Will yelled from the front seat, causing me to flinch.  He was speeding down the road, going far above the legal limit.

"My step father...He was, um," There were kids in the car, what was I supposed to say? "Um, Zane came in my house.  They were fighting and Zane got stabbed in the chest...."  I couldn't continue, it was to painful, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."  In the back seat the boys were dead silent, something that never happened.  Ever.

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