Chapter 21

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I stood there, shaking, my heart pumping so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears.  I was shaking, unable to move.  Emma and the rest came running in, gasping as they saw their family member dead.  I could hear them crying, wailing for their loss, and yet I felt numb. 

My step father came back, which meant he could still be around.

"Everyone, back to my room!" I shouted suddenly, jumping to action.  I picked up James, who for some reason felt very light, and started running.  If there was anything I had to do, it was protect my family.

"What are you doing?"  James asked trough his sobs, "Have you lost your mind?

"Shh, trust me."  I cooed, setting him on my bed.  Everyone else came running in a few seconds later, looking at me, baffled.  "Everyone stay here."  I started walking to the door.  I felt someone grab my upper arm, holding me in place.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zane asked, horrified.  He could tell something had upset me a great deal.  He was probably the reason Emma came back.

"Inside."  I whispered, not looking at his face.

"Are you crazy?!  Someone just killed my father!"  His voice cracked as he said that, I could tell he was on the verge of tears.  My heart squeezed in pain and I shut my eyes tightly.

"Not just someone, my step father, Brandon."  I explained, trying to sound calming.  I sounded anything but.  He let go of my arm, gasping in shock.

"Then you definitely can't go in there."  In seconds I was on the ground, Zane laying on top of me.

"Zane, let me go!"  I screamed, kicking my legs.  What the hell had possessed him to pin me down?!

"Are you going to go inside?" He asked, giving me a knowing look.


"Then I'm not getting up."

I groaned, "Zane, get up now!  If I don't go in there, Brandon will come looking for me and the rest of you will die!"  I felt his body stiffen, "Zane...please."  Tears were flowing down my face by then, falling and hitting the ground.  s "Let me save you this time."  Slowly, Zane got up, pulling me with him.

"Then I'm coming with you."

"No!"  I held up my hands, "Zane, I need to do this alone.  I need to do this, not to protect you, but for me.  Please, I need to do this."  I looked at him, begging him to understand.  Something changed in his eyes, like he understood.

"I can't just let you go in there."  He whispered, taking a step closer.


"Because I love you." He muttered, looking me straight in the eyes with so much intensity it made my bottom lip quiver.  It didn't matter that his whole family was present, I didn't care.

"I love you too."  I whispered, wiping tear from my cheek, "But I still need to do this.  If you love me, you'll let me do this."  Suddenly, he pulled me close, kissing me as hard as he could.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back.  When we pulled away, he looked me in the eye.

"Demi, just let me go with you."  He whispered.  I shook my head, if I spoke I would cry.  And then I ran.  I locked the house door behind me, knowing Zane would follow once I was inside.  There were shuffling noises coming from upstairs, causing my heart to speed up.  I felt my side, running my hand up and down the shirt to make sure it was still there.  It was.

Slowly, I stepped forward, making my way to the front of the house.  Fear gripped at my heart, but I kept going.  I needed to to this, to show myself I was strong, that I could survive.  Just as I rounded the corner, Brandon stepped at the top of the stairs.  He smiled at me and started staggering down the stairs.  I glanced at Will on the floor, and then back up to my step father.  He was at the bottom of the steps, making his way towards me.

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