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So I feel absolutely awful for taking so long with this, but I FINALLY have the first chapter of the sequel written and ready to post!  It's been so long that I don't know if anyone would actually be interested, though.  Any takers?  Tell me and if there's enough interest I'll post it for you!  In the mean time, here's the summary for the sequel to Wondering Alone, Separate Hearts.

Demitra Watson is a survivor.  When her father died, she survived.  When her stepbrother raped her, she survived.  When her stepfather tried to kill the love of her life, they both survived.  And when Zane - her boyfriend - moved back to England, breaking her heart, she pushed through and went on with her life, with a little help from Zane's best friend, Austin.  Now Austin's becoming a little more then a friend as they both set out on a new adventure together, college at New York University.  For the first time things are actually looking up for Demitra, and she thinks that this time, maybe, everything will work out in her favor.

That is until a certain British boy comes back into town.

So yeah, tell me what you think of it and if you want the sequel.  I need probably 5 comments, or else I can't really post it...I feel bad saying that but if there isn't any interest then I don't want to spend the time that I don't really have enough of writing a chapter or two every week.

I repeat, I need 5 COMMENTS to post the sequel! I'm not saying that to be mean, I just want there to actually be an interest in it. :)



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