chapter six; june 1st; 3:30PM.

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don't mistake salt for sugar.
-rupi kaur.


"I seen Zonnique in baby gap today." I heard Bahja's voice as she walked through the front doors. "You never told me she was that big."

I sat myself up on the sofa and looked in her direction. "You never asked. Did she talk to you?"

"Yeah, she asked about you actually and I kind of got nervous and just ran off."

"You couldn't act less suspicious could you?" I chuckled. "We should get going though because, she might come looking here."

She nodded. "Wait, I bought you something." She smiled and swung the baby gap bag from around her back and handed it to me. "I don't know if we'll be back for her baby shower so, I wanted to get you some things for the baby."

A smiled crept upon my face as I got up taking the bag from her and softly kissing her cheek. "Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome." She smiled. She was about to say something until multiple dings came from my phone. I walked over to the sofa and picked it up.

wifey🤘🏾: i can't do this thing called life w/o u.
wifey🤘🏾: just come home and love me the way u used 2.
wifey🤘🏾: i'm dangerously in love with you

That feeling of regret started to come over me again as I read the messages over and over again. A part of me wanted to go back to her and apologize for everything I've done. But, another part of me was telling me to just leave. I don't know what it was but, I went to her contact information and blocked her number. I didn't plan on keeping her number blocked though, after I've had time to myself I was going to unlock it.

"Who was texting you like that?!"

I turned around and stuffed my phone into my pocket. "Nobody. You ready to roll?"

"Yeah. I just gotta get my stuff." She said as she turned around walking towards the steps. I followed behind her and stopped her.

"Everything is already in the car. And no we aren't taking a public plane, I got the jet for us."

She flashed that bright smile again. "You're truly amazing!"

"I try my best to be." I chuckled and followed her out the door and to the car. I got into the drivers seat and pulled off from the curb. Thoughts of Zonnique continued to run through my mind constantly. I shouldn't be doing this.

I don't know why but, I felt the need to see her one more time. "You mind if we stop by Zo's house? Not go in just ride past it, I know she's probably outside."

"Sure. Why not?"

I took a short detour and headed to the direction of the house. I pulled up some inches away from the drive way and looked through the window at her. She was wearing the black and white striped maternity dress I had brought her. Her hair was in two braids and she was looking gorgeous as always. This is the last time for a while that I'd be seeing her.

I'm breaking her heart on purpose. Although I don't mean to do it. I didn't want her to worry so, I did the boldest thing I'd ever do in my life. I parked the car and got out. As I walked up the driveway I thought how I was going to say everything. When she saw me her heart probably dropped out of her chest. Kaycee was the first that ran to me, I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"I have to talk to mommy real quick, alright? And I promise to come spend time with you later on."

She nodded and I put her down, she went back to playing with her friends. Zonnique walked towards me with a slight smile on her face. "Where'd you go? You missed the appointment and everything."

"I went somewhere to get away. How's my little man doing in there?" I chuckled and rubbed her stomach with a smile.

"He's alright, just beating me up as usual. I think he's going to be a meany pants."

"Just like you?"

She playfully rolled her eyes followed by laughter. "Shut up. C'mon in the house so I can finish making dinner."

"Wait, Zonnique. I didn't come back here to stay, I came back to say goodbye."

She raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean?! Goodbye?! I'm confused."

"I love you but, I have to leave for a while. I'm not sure when I'll be back so I'll see you whenever."

Tears started coming out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She looked into my eyes with her saddened eyes, I refused to look at her. She didn't say anything and when she was about to, I knew I couldn't stay and listen to her talk. I walked away leaving her there crying. As I walked back to the car I could feel myself starting to try and cry. I refused to cry.

I got into the car and didn't say a word. Next stop, the airport.


We arrived to the jet and were greeted by my security. As we walked through the airport I noticed people stared taking pictures. I tapped Bahja's shoulder. "Cover your face." I whispered to her so her face wouldn't be on the blogs. She did as I told her to and we tried dodging the rest of the paparazzi.

Once we finally made it to the jet we got on board and sat down beside each other. I couldn't focus on anything only thing I could think about was her. Bahja placed her hand on top of mine.

"Don't worry so much. Everything is going to be okay."

I shook my head not taking my eyes away from the window. "Easy for you to say. You didn't get anyone pregnant and then left them."

"So, your going to just sit around and regret doing this the entire trip? We can start our own family and won't have to worry about her."

"I guess your kind of right. The point of this trip is to get away and not think about her."

"Exactly. That's my baby!"


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