"Severus, did you speak with her?" Severus got up and opened a cabinet and pulled out another bottle of firewhiskey and sat down.

"We don't have anything to talk about." He filled his glass. "Can you stop mothering me Narcissa and go back to your perfect life with your so perfect husband and kid and his bride." Narcissa raised her eyebrow.

"I will stop mothering you when you stop acting like a child. Be an adult and accept that you still have feelings for her because somewhere in your heart you know she wouldn't do something like this to you. And please stop destroying your furniture fixing it each time reduces its resilience, I am sure you must be aware of that. Severus I don't want to see you fall back from where you have risen. Please do me a favour and go talk to her. You still love her."

Severus smashed the glass on the table, "I don't love her."

"Then why are you wallowing?" He didn't respond. "Anyhow I have fixed the sitting room is there anything else that needs fixing?"

Severus looked towards the broken pieces of glass splattered across the desk. "Can you fix my heart?" Narcissa sighed. "Only you can fix your heart Severus. I have got you something." She pulled out a piece of paper and a set of keys. Severus looked at it.
"What is this?" Narcissa smiled and gestured him to open it. "This is the deed of Mr. Mulpepper's Apothecary in Diagon Alley. I know you wanted to buy that place and he was being very adamant about selling it but he finally agreed."

Severus opened the deed papers and checked them thoroughly. "I am not accepting this." He said as he tossed them on the table.

"Oh come on Severus it's a birthday gift from me." Severus hadn't even realised it was his birthday today.

"I will accept it on one condition. You will let me pay for three forth of it. If you accept this then I shall consider the gift." Narcissa rolled her eyes.

"What part of, it's a birthday gift did you not get?" He shook his head

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"What part of, it's a birthday gift did you not get?" He shook his head. "Okay you stubborn man, I accept your condition." Severus took the deed and opened it he pulled a quill from the ink pot and scribbled his signature on the document. The deed glowed and golden magical ropes bound the document, hence sealing the deal.

"Now, get up and get freshened up, I can see some mold growing on that stubble of yours. You have a party to attend."

Severus scowled, "No I don't wish to attend a party."

"You don't have a choice it's my...uh daughter in laws birthday as well! No one will be there except for us five. So move it. Or I will make you." She said pointing her wand at him. Severus reluctantly got up and walked upstairs. "See you at the Manor at around five o clock." With that Narcissa left but before leaving she made sure she had hidden all the firewhiskey bottles.


Narcissa entered the Malfoy manor she walked towards the back garden. "Camorra, did you contact Celestia, Is she coming?" Camorra looked at Narcissa.

Odium (Severus Snape Fanfic) {Wattys 2016}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя