Chapter 43:Vengeance

Start from the beginning

But, not all of those men would return. Kaurren's magic was simply too strong. She knew that it would have to be her who went to slay him. Once, she had set out to do this with fervor, rage, and zeal that bordered on madness. Now, she would carry it out with regret, reluctance, and, yes, a little fear. Not a fight she wished for, but a fight she needed to finish.

She made careful preparations. She gathered her dagger, her bow, and a sword she stole from  the armory. Then, she made sure none would follow her. She slipped a sleeping drug into Giles' food and waited for it to take effect. She gently set him on his bed, kissed his forehead, left a note for him, and snuck out of the Black Griffin lands.

Giles groaned, waking up after a while. He sat up, rubbing his eyes."Ma? Where are you?" There was no reply. Giles frowned, then noticed the note, left on his bedside table. He picked it up, reading.

My dear Giles,

When I first met you, all those years ago, I was a broken woman. I cared for nothing and no one, and let my rage harm any who stood before me. Even to this day, I can't even guess at the number of men I killed.

I'm ashamed to say that I failed as a mother. My daughter slain, my son more of an acquaintance to me. I saw a new chance in you, to raise a wielder of my magic who I could wish was of my blood....and even if you are not, you are still my son, and I'm so proud of what you've become.

Even so, there is something I must do now. You are a man now, so know that I do not exaggerate when I say that I may not return. You may remember me fondly, or as an abandoner, a traitor, a killer. It does not matter what you think of me, but know this.

No matter what, I love you.

The end had been signed with 'Rebanada Rasca', then hastily crossed out and replaced with 'your mother'.

Giles began to panic. He couldn't lose his mother, could not let her die! He looked around the house desperately."Hafta help her, Hafta help! Need a weapon! A knife, a club, somethin', anythin'..."

His eyes fell on the scythe that had been displayed on the wall since his childhood and nodded."That'll work!" He grabbed it, then ran off into the night, searching for Reba.

Reba walked forward, knife in hand. She was in the training field where Guilta had trained Guiltare long ago, a small area of mud amidst the snow that blanketed the rest of the Coldwoods. She saw almost immediately that she was not alone.

Kaurren Byrn smiled at her."So, how'd you know where to find me?" He asked, not even seeming surprised. He had aged considerably, his hair turned grey and wizened, his smashed nose seeming to have healed unnaturally, almost appearing to have been that way from birth.

She scoffed."A pyromaniac like you? How could he resist the embodiment of a fire mage's power?"

He chuckled."True, true. Suppose I only have myself to blame. But, I have been waiting for a very long time to kill you. You killed my friends, after all, and I owe this to you." He pointed to his disfigured nose.

Reba glared."I regret nothing I did, but I am not that person anymore. Leave now, and you will not be pursued."

He considered, then grinned and raised a hand."I've waited too long not to have satisfaction. You will die!" He focused, and a stream of flame shot out, engulfing Reba."Hahaha! Burn! Burn, Willow! Burn! Bur-"

He trailed off as the smoke cleared, showing Reba unharmed. Not even her clothes seemed damaged by the flames. She sighed, almost seeming disappointed."A warrior who can not forget the thrill of a fight, someone who can not just advance from the slights against them....truly, there is nothing sadder."

Kaurren growled." did you..."

She pointed to herself." I bound the air. Specifically, I bound a thin layer of nitrogen gas around myself. The fire you love so much has failed you. Without oxygen, it cannot burn." She looked over at the seething man and smiled sadly."You cannot harm me."

Kaurren growled, then pulled a sword from his side and rushed forward."You bitch!"

Reba's skills had not dulled. She drew her bow and knocked an arrow in one fluid movement, aiming for his chest and piercing his shoulder, making him drop the sword with a howl. He continued to charge, however, and gave a savage swipe with a fist. She dodged back, but had the bow knocked from her hands.

She drew a sword to drive him back, but found herself hard pressed as Kaurren drew a knife, made for close combat. He slashed the knife across her arm, making the sword fall from her grasp. He gave a snarl of triumph and followed up with a cut at her head. She ducked down, then drew her own knife, slashing at his throat in an upward slash.

He dropped his weapon and put his hands on his throat, gurgling and falling to his knees. She sighed in relief, turning and leaving."You'll be dead soon. May the Coldwolves feast upon you." She relaxed, letting the nitrogen that covered her break away and dissolve back into the air.

She saw Giles running and frowned."What...what are you-"

"Ma! I came to help!" He kept running, and Reba smiled a bit, shaking her head. She should have known better than to try and keep him away. She frowned slightly, hearing a grunting noise from behind her."Kill...kill you!" Kaurren groaned, raising his hands. She realized what he was going to do, and quickly tackled Giles to the ground, using her body as a shield.

There was no time to reform her shield, and even if it were possible, Giles could not use it. She refused to lose another child. And as this thought passed through her mind, Kaurren let out the last of his power, making an explosion that burned all around it, and turned the encircling trees to charcoal. He saw the results, the charred back of Reba, her slumped shoulders showing no signs of life, and smiled."" He collapsed forward.

Giles frowned."....Ma?" He carefully set her back, and put his hands on her back."C'mon...get up!" He exclaimed, but got no reply. He tried to use his magic to heal her, but could not. Unlike cuts, with burns, there was nothing to bind back in place. However, he continued, a wail escaping his lips." ain't leaving me, eh!? You're going to live! I'm going to save you! Bind, godammit!"

He screamed this last part, and as the magic surged from him, he collapsed forward on top of her. Reba's body was dead, and nothing could be done. Her soul, however, was able to use the excess burst of magic, and bound itself to the nearest object.

The scythe Giles had brought for the fight.

Reba shifted in her bonds."So, I learned magic for Soul Solidification. Usually used by holy warriors to make weapons at a moments notice, even used by assassins sometimes. Thanks to my lost magic, I learned it quickly, and refined it to where I could make a whole body for myself. But, it wasn't indefinite, so Giles needed an excuse to be seen with a scythe. Joining the army."

"As a result of my body's death, I could no longer bind wounds, couldn't bind anything with a heartbeat. I had to be near Giles always, because he was the only healer left. I had to advise him. So my life has been since for that day, but never...never did I think that I'd see you again."

Kaurren smiled, tapping his shoulder."Simple really. You bound yourself to that scythe. I used that same excess magic to bind myself to the fire still in the ground from the Mage, the heat from his last attack, and from mine. It was rough, of course, since I didn't have a boy to carry me off, but now..."

His arms became covered in fire."Now I am a living flame. My new master made me Vengeance Incarnate, and you will pay for all of my suffering!" Reba did not reply, simply sat there in her bindings, a tired expression on her face.

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