The Night - Part 2

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I slowly turned around only to find something I would never expect.

A surprisingly attractive girl was standing infront of me with a sheepish grin on her face. She was wearing a light pink dress and black heels that looked like they killed. Her hair was down and it was slightly curled, framing around her face. The girl's eyes looked like they were glazed over, probably due to the fact that there was a distinct smell wafting off of her. She was definitely not in her right mind.

"Hey," I responded, leaning back on the counter pretending to be sauve, and accidently knocked down a bottle of Jack Daniels. I quickly caught it before it was able to shatter against the black, marble floor.

The girl giggled, "Nice catch," and proceeded to twirl a strand of her hair around with the tips of her fingers. As she gazed at me, her top row of teeth were lightly biting down on her bottom lip. Look away, Garin! Look away.

I could hear Ellie groan, and as I looked over at her, I saw the honest annoyance in her eyes. Did she still like me? She must have if she was looking at this girl with such disgust.

The strange girl was brought back to my attention when I felt a tug on the waist band of my jeans. 

"Okay, okay! That's enough."  A voice rose above the conflict, a voice I didn't know was watching, a voice I didn't want to hear.

Sophie grabbed onto the girl's arm that was attached to my pants, and yanked it away with a scold on her face, "Ally, no more drinks! God, I swear, you do this every time!" The girl, Ally, winked at me before Sophie pulled her out of the kitchen.


Should I be turned on right now?

Probably not.

After Sophie and Ally left the kitchen, I proceeded to collect my friend's drinks like nothing happened.  But apparently, Elile couldn't let it go.

"Who does she think she is? I mean, like, seriously? She doesn't even know you!" She ranted, while helping me by taking two of the 4Loco's from under my arm. I could tell she was angry by the fire in her eyes.

I chuckled at her quietly, "Ellie, please. It's a party, let it go!" I nudged her with my elbow, "let loose." And with that, I paraded out of the room, drinks in hand, with Ellie, still steaming, on my tail.


(About four hours later)

"Brah, I lurv you sooooooooooo much," Tyson slurred, his arm thrown over my shoulder. The music in the house seemed to be even louder than before, the bass thumping through my veins, but the party-goer's voices seemed to be nonexistant. Most of the people in Sophie's house were either passed out, making out, or in one of the numerous bedrooms doing God knows what. I had a certain feeling in the pit of my stomache, almost like I wanted to be in one of those rooms also.

"Maaaan, you are sooooo trashed," I replied, swaying a little under his grasp, just as much intoxicated as he was.  We both laughed at eachother and continued to drown ourselves with alcohol. My eyes were blurry and half-way closed, but I could still make out the silloutte of Ellie as she rocked her hips with the music. 

I took Tyson's arm off my shoulder, replacing myself with a redhead who was chugging from the keg, and slowly (so I wouldn't fall) made my way over Ellie.

I couldn't stop myself... No, I wouldn't stop myself when my arms found Ellie's waist from behind. The alcohol in my stomache burned when my chest hit her back.

"Hey," she mumbled, "you smell like beer." Something inside me burst. Something I had been avoiding for a very long time. Something that me so entirely scared, excited, and aroused, was let loose.

I pulled her tighter against me, so tight I could feel her heartbeat through her shirt. I moved my hands so one was resting hard on her stomach, while the other found itself attached to her belt.

Ellie did something I would never think she would do. She responded by lifting her arm up so her hand was on the back of my neck, and her other one rested on my thigh, squeezing lightly.

Then our bodies started to move.

We were dancing, moving, rubbing, thumping, grinding, to the music. I knew, right at that moment, how this night would end.

How the night would end.

I slowly removed my hand from Ellie's belt and reached up to brush her hair away from her ear. "Turn around," I whispered, my voice making her shiver against me, which made me feel something in a very significant place below my waist.

Ellie was turning me on.


Ellie turned around, her body crashing against mine. The front of her was flush with mine, all the way down to our knees. Her arms were tight around my neck, causing her shirt to lift up slightly, so when my hands found her waist, my fingers were on her skin. My heart was beating fast in my chest, the noise reaching my ears, the thumping matching the rhythm of the music. I knew I still had feelings for her, but I didn't know that they would make me do something like this.

Her eyes were like ice; pure, blue, beautiful. Her blonde hair was messy and sweaty from earlier, but it fell perfectly around her face, casting the rest of her face in a shadow. Her hips her digging uncomfortably into mine, but I didn't dare move from that promising position.

"Garin," she purred, her tongue brushing against her parted lips as she stared me down. 

I couldn't take it anymore.

My lips found hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2012 ⏰

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