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Okayokayokay more tags!

Thanks to atotalphan for tagging me!

1. Favourite Animal?

Turtles are the shit fam

2. Favourite Food?

Puss- I mean... PIZZAPIZZAPIZZA but I am going Vegetarian for 5 months and that's okay cause there are a shit ton of vegetarian unhealthy foods. :D

3. Favourite YouTubers?

Well, I don't watch YouTube at all- SIKE I BREATHE YOUTUBE.



Troye Sivan (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)

Ben J. Pierce


Tyler Oakley

Connor Franta


LeafyIsHere (kinda)

And a lot more, but those are the peeps I watch.

4. Favourite Band

A long list.

Fall Out Boy

P!ATD (technically 😭)

MCR (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)

Bring Me The Horizon

5. Favourite Solo Artists?

Troye Sivan, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Alessia Cara.

6. Favourite Song ATM?

WILD ft. Alessia Cara is GR8 but it kinda ruined the queer moment

7. Favourite TV Shows? (did you mean: netflix shows and stuff)

Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Doctor Who.

8. Favourite Animated Movie?


9.  Favourite LIVE Action Movie?


10. Favourite Fanfiction on Wattpad?

Discovering Love by FearMePlease

I dont wanna tag anyone ;(

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