Hauntingly Beautiful Ch. 12

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A/N: *waves*

I'm back with a chapter! Finally! Well, I need to keep the momentum going. So I'll meet you in the next one. Hopefully soon! Please enjoy! Stars and comments are loved! 😘😘😘


Sang's POV

"Princess," Victor called. There he was, standing just two steps in front of me. I felt myself blushing from head to toe. I thought I heard them go home. He gazed at me with those smoldering eyes, exactly how I remembered them from that day at the musical instrument store. My Prince.

"You're the same girl from that instrument store back in Illinois, right?" he whispered softly. His eyes looked softer now, almost begging me to agree with what he was saying.

"I-I am," I whispered back. I'm not sure he could even hear my voice. My heart was beating so fast from being nervous, and is this excitement I'm feeling?

Like they were ignited by a small spark, I saw his eyes display the same intensity, as he again called me, "Princess?"

I gulped, then nodded. "I didn't hear you knocking. I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say.

Upon hearing my words, it was his turn to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry. Y-your door.. uh, it was unlocked. You should lock it. At all times. Sorry I just barged in like that. I wanted to make sure of something." His hand lifted, to brush away some of the bangs that were covering his eyes. I thought he looked so handsome when he did that. It was only then that I noticed he was wet from the rain.

"Oh my, you're all wet! Let me get you a towel first." I walked past him briskly, towards the next room, and was about to go inside the bathroom, when I remembered how I'd left him alone in the living room. Where did my manners go? I figured I needed to get him a proper towel, so I decided to get one from Dani and Oli's closet instead of the small ones from the bathroom. "Please take a seat. Make yourself at home. I'll be ba-" I never got to finish my sentence, as I caught a glimpse of the pale skin of his upper torso, half of the buttons of his shirt already undone. He paused in his movement, then glanced down at my hands as I came back empty-handed.

A full-minute silence was broken by him sneezing and I felt awful, yet again, for leaving him like this. Red faced, I muttered another apology, then jogged to the next room to get him a towel.

Breathe. In and out. Another one. In and out. What was with today? First, there had been the pool party. And then this. And now he knows. Eeek! I buried my face in the towel and screamed a little. I couldn't believe this. What would he think of me now? Would he think I was weird or crazy for not telling him about it when I'd met him? No, if I'd told him earlier, he might have thought I was a stalker or something.

"Princess, are you okay?" Hearing Victor call out, I lowered the towel from my face just in time to see him walking towards me - now with his shirt completely unbuttoned. I stared, then remembered what I needed to do. The towel! He must be cold.

Quickly, I wrapped the towel around him and over his head as he reached me, then I pulled him towards the kitchen. "Sorry I took so long," I apologized, then made him take a seat. Pulling up another chair beside him, I started to dry off his hair by gently rubbing the towel over it. I felt so utterly horrible for spacing out and getting distracted, that I made it my mission to do as good a job at getting his hair as dry as I possibly could. Once I was satisfied with my work, I glanced at his face and realised that he hadn't spoken in a while. He was just staring at me. Like a cute, gentle puppy.

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