Hauntingly Beautiful Ch. 3

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A/N: *waves*

I feel like I'm spoiling you. 3 chapters in two days. *smh* Oh well, I'm still feeling a bit generous so here ya go! Enjoy reading! Please comment and vote for more updates ;)

*Special thanks to a_force_of_nature for, again, being a wonderful beta. <3


Sang's POV

"It's my first time in business class. What's the difference from economy class? All I know is that there is more leg room," I said to Dani.

"Well you're basically right, sweetie. And it won't be crowded and stiff like in economy," he said. "Comfy chairs too. Well not so much, compared to first class, but way better than economy," Oli added.

"You've tried first class?" I gasped. "Isn't that for, like, very rich people? I heard the treatment is total VIP and that the food is great." I knew that the both of them had enough money to live by, even if they didn't work for a year or so, but I never saw them try to flaunt it. Oli chuckled beside me. "We've only tried it once, Sang. It was paid for by a friend. And yes, the food is great."

We turned a corner to get to the doors and Dani paused. "Steve, is that you?" I heard him ask a tall man in a uniform, coming out of the plane. The man looked up and gave him a wide smile, recognition evident in both of their eyes.

"He-hey Daniel! And Olivia! I knew it was you two that I saw on the list. Long time no see, my good friends." I stepped aside as he reached to hug both of them.

I heard Dani chuckle. "I knew it was you! The upgrade was unnecessary, man, but thanks anyway. More leg room for us!"

The tall man, Steve, looked at me and asked, "And who might this lovely bird be? I didn't know you-" He was cut off by Oli saying, "Now, this is Sang Sorenson. My lovely daughter. We adopted her a year ago." She pulled me towards her and gave me a squeeze.

"Pleasure to meet you, lovely Sang." His eyes trained on me like a hawk and he gave a slight bow. I giggled at his actions. "It's nice to meet you too, Steve," I answered.

"Sweetie," I heard Dani call. "You can go inside if you want to. Find our seats and settle down first." He smiled and looked at Oli. She gave me a warm smile and said, "We'll be right behind you, sweetie. We'll just take a trip down memory lane with this guy right here. We also need to thank him for the comfortable seats he has provided."

I looked up at him and gave a small bow. "Thank you," I said. He laughed and said, "Not a problem, little bird. I believe you have the window seat. You'll get the perfect view when the plane takes off." I nodded at him and sneakily took both bags from Oli. I hurriedly went inside, before she had a chance to scold me for doing her job. I might as well get these bags inside the compartment and get settled, like they had said.

Gabriel's POV

I'm still fucking pissed off at George. He can't keep doing this to Vic. First, he'll deny releasing his flight details. Next thing we know - fuck - he'll have him performing overseas for a whole fucking month. I sighed, knowing that this must be hard for Victor. Damn. I hoped the next time he played, just he'd do it for himself and for his loved ones. Absentmindedly, my hand reached up and touched the three black earrings I always wore.

"Gabe, let's make a bet," Luke whispered, and nudged me in the side. Groaning, I asked him what he wanted. "If Doc's seatmate is a pretty girl, I'll do your homework for a month at this public school we're enrolled in." I looked at him like he was insane.

I landed a chop on his shoulder and told him, "Of fucking course, there's no way that's gonna fucking happen. His luck ran out when he started hanging out with old Mrs. Rose every time she visits the hospital. All they ever talk about is knitting and cats." I snickered.

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