Hauntingly Beautiful Ch. 2

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A/N: *waves*

I'm feeling generous today so *Ta-dah!* I give you the second chapter! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Special thanks to my wonderful beta a_force_of_nature for looking over this chapter on such a short notice. <3

PS I know little about airplanes so please bear with me. I'd love to hear your comments too so feel free to drop me one. But a couple won't hurt me. ;)


Nathan's POV

"Away from you!" A man whisked past us and got in between the boy and the girl in pink sweater. He looked at the girl, seemingly checking if she was alright, and faced the group of guys with a hard face. I heard him bark questions to the group of guys. "Is there a problem here? What do you want with my daughter?". I released a sigh, knowing that she was at least safe now. I felt my phone vibrate from my back pocket and I fished it out. I opened a text message from Mr B. It said: We are boarding in a few minutes. Come back asap so we can get inside the plane fast. I saw the others take out their phones and read the message as well.

"Ok guys, let's get back. Silas, we can get food on the plane." I saw him scrunch up his face, as he started walking away back towards our group.

I touched Luke's arms and pulled him away from the scene. "It's alright Luke. I think she's safe now."

He gave me a nod, replacing the angry frown with a smile as he skipped towards Gabe, and said, "Aww, now I can't get chocolate while on the plane. North will start nagging if I even try asking for one."

"Yeah? You just figured that out now?" Gabe snorted.

We went straight ahead and, before we turned the corner, I looked back and saw the girl talking to her dad. They started walking to the opposite side of the room, as the overhead speakers called for the boarding of our flight. I sighed and started conversing with Silas about the plane food.

Silas' POV

I wanted to step up and push the guy away from the pretty girl. She must've been scared. I wonder if any of my brothers were ready to get in the middle and stop it. I definitely would. She looked so small, even compared to those bastards, and it's clear they were ganging up on her. I would never leave a pretty face alone in this crowd, if I were her family. I read Mr B's text, shrugged and started heading back to the others.

I heard Nate telling me about plane food and I scrunched up my face as I imagine the kind of food we'd be getting on the plane today. I hoped it would be better than the last one I'd had - tough, overcooked meat with bland greens, on top of a watery mashed potato. North didn't approve. And if he doesn't, he'll brood all the way throughout the plane ride. Sucks to be his seatmate in that kind of moment.

Sang's POV

I sighed as I carry my bag and followed Dani to the lines. He reached for my elbow, gripped it lightly and placed me in front of him. "We let you out of our sight for 5 minutes and dogs start to make their move on you," he murmurs. I faced him and reassured him that I was okay, sending him a smile.

Oli took some loose hair from the side of my face and clipped it to the side. She looked at my face, her eyes looking over my cheeks and my jaw, and I saw her smile fade a bit. "You look lovely Sang. You should keep your hair away from your face like this."

"I'm ok, Mom," I told her, knowing that she wanted to say more. Wanted to know what had happened back there. I knew she loved it when I called her Mom, and I'd love to call her that everyday if only it didn't remind me of my abusive step-mother. I told you not to talk to boys!!! My hand almost went up to my face, to check where she'd slapped me. I swallowed the fears down and looked at Dani. I thanked him for coming to find me. He knew that I meant that for more than what he'd done for me a while ago. He ruffled my hair a bit and I chuckled. Oli slapped his hand away, and got annoyed when she saw that he ruined what she'd done to my hair. I let her re-clip my hair back and then we walked side by side, gossiping about her celebrity crushes.

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