"Katy... you look... magnificent..." he slowly said, in complete awe.

I chuckled and blushed.  "You don't look so bad yourself. You clean up nicely," I said and chuckled again.

He took a few steps towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  "I say you clean up more nicely," he whispered in my ear.  He tried to kiss me, but I remembered something and gave him a peck on the cheek instead.  I broke out of his grip and walked towards the bathroom.

"I forgot to brush my teeth!" I said, feeling embarrassed as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly.  I did so and walked back out.  Justin was laughing slightly.

"Now, you owe me a kiss," Justin said as he walked towards me again.

"I do indeed," I said as I pulled him by his jacket close to me.  Our lips met for a few moments, then he pulled away.

"We better get going," he said as he grabbed his cell phone.  "Gotta call my limo driver. Don't worry, when we're in Atlanta we can use my car that I have there so we don't have to call a limo and draw attention to ourselves all the time," he added as he dialed a number.  He talked to the limo driver for a few seconds, then he hung up.

Before we walked out of the room, I noticed something.  "Whoa, wait, Justin, what happened to Ben?!" I asked, looking at the other bed in the room and seeing it perfectly made.

"Oh, he left early this morning. He woke me up and told me that he wanted to go home to pack for Atlanta and take care of unfinished business, whatever unfinished business means," he explained.

I didn't say anything because I was too busy thinking about what "unfinished business" could mean.  Maybe he wants to visit his aunt and tell her everything that happened, since they're really close.  Yeah, it's probably that.

Justin broke me out of my thoughts by taking my hand and pulling me outside the hotel room.  We walked to the back of the hotel and the limo was outside waiting.

"Cover your face with your hands," Justin whispered and I did as instructed.  He pulled his jacket up over the sides of his face.  "Annnnd, run!" he exclaimed and we dashed out of the hotel and into the limo.  He took a deep breath as he sat back.  "I think we ran fast enough so a pap couldn't get a good picture," he said, still taking a few deep breaths.

"I think so too," I replied, taking a few deep breaths as well.  The limo was silent for a few moments and I thought the driver would have spoken up and said something by now, but he didn't.  "Where are we going, anyway?" I asked Justin.

He looked over at me and smiled.  "I figured since this is the last day you'll be in New York for a while, we go to your favorite places, then end the night with something special, which is a surprise for now," he merrily said.

I gasped a little, like an excited gasp.  "I think I'm going to look way too formal for the places we're going to go, though. And people may recognize us," I said with a sigh as I looked down at the dress I was wearing and thought about the paparazzis and fans around.

Justin sighed too and was silent for a few seconds, but then he spoke up.  "We'll just have to change some plans around. Hmm, how about we go to one or two of your favorite places around here, then we maybe start what I had planned for later a little early," he suggested.

"Sounds good. But I reallyyy want to know what's going to happen later!" I whined.

"Soon enough, my beautiful shawty, soon enough," he said and our hands intertwined.  

I told the limo driver that I would like to go to my favorite coffee shop that's downtown.  It has the best coffee EVER.  The ride was pretty silent with some small chat here and there between me and Justin.  Soon, the limo came to a stop.

I Never Thought It'd Be You {JBLS}Where stories live. Discover now