Chapter 2

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Been M.I.A for a year now. I'm so sorry that it's a really short update but I'll try to have more written out next time.

Please be sure to comment as it really does motivate and encourage me to write and upload more♥

Quick thank you to @George5troh and @PocketPixia for the encouragement 

Chapter 2

I began clearing the wooden window sills of my shop in order to make room for some of my crystals. I laid out a felt cloth to prevent damage before placing various crystals like my amethysts, celestine and opals in order for them to charge from the moonlight. It was a tedious thing to do but it was a necessary task.

I blew out all the lit candles, getting sick of the strong smell that filled the room and shut off the "relaxing" music that constantly played from my white noise machine.

When I was sure that I had placed everything away, I turned off the lights and went into the back room, following the same routine I did every night. Now that my mundane job was done, it was time for my most important task, figuring out how to make myself mortal again.

I know that I should be grateful and treasure not only my power, but my immortality and I did, well I did at first anyway. It was amazing when every friend I had was panicking over being in their mid thirties and single, having to depend on their families. It was amazing when people I knew started to get old and have wrinkles while I hadn't aged a day, instead being known for my youthful beauty. It was especially handy when I was hanged a few times for petty crimes and accusations that weren't too farfetched, but that's beside the point.

After a while, everyone I knew died and I realised that I could no longer have a home or a life. The longer I stayed somewhere, the more negative attention and curiosity I'd be faced with. I could never make new friends in fear of raising suspicions, I could never buy a home to make my own or even own a pet to keep me company. I couldn't even fall in love and settle down, enjoying a fulfilled life that would blissfully come to an end. I knew that I had to be prepared to leave everything I owned at a moment's notice, I was too afraid to form any sentimental connection with anything or anyone. While some people might view what I had as a blessing, to me it was a curse. What was the use of unlimited and unimaginable power if I had nobody to share it with and no place to call my own?

Every night I would come into my back room, undo the spell I had cast and reveal a hidden trap door to enter my secret basement. For centuries I had been documenting different spells, potions and rituals. Everything and anything that I had done or thought about doing was written down into books that filled the entire room in a claustrophobic manner.

I lifted both my hands with my palms facing the ceiling and focused a small amount of energy onto them. Two small white balls of energy floated above each hand as I continued focusing my energy until they each grew to the size of a tennis ball. I slowly brought both palms together until both the balls of energy fused together to form one large, glowing ball of power. Once I was satisfied I gently pushed the ball up, causing it to float up and hover just under the ceiling, casting a dim white light over the entire basement.

The basement walls were hidden behind large bookcases that were overflowing with hand bound books. Years ago I had run out of space on the shelves and instead began piling leather hide journals, scrolls and spell books onto the floors until there was hardly any room to walk around.

The center of the basement had an old, mahogany dining table that was built to seat 8. The intricate hand carved designs on its legs were chipped revealing the unfinished wood underneath. It was in such bad condition that one of its legs was completely broken, a stack of old journals replacing it to provide balance and support.

On top of the table was a cluster of items that I was currently using to try and create a mortality elixir. I had been brewing a mixture of different herbs, enchanting it, boiling it with crystals and various metals but to no avail. The closest I had come to mortality was poisoning myself and passing out for two days.

I was pretty happy about that though. The fact that my body could now be poisoned by a random concoction was awesome! Sure, it wouldn't really do much harm like kill me, but it gave me hope.

Jumping up and down in excitement I took off my kimono, skirt and over the top jewelry until I was only wearing my tasseled top, boy shorts and shoes. Cracking my knuckles and neck I flipped open the journal I was currently using and began going over my notes, trying to come up with what I could alter in order to get better results.

Maybe I might pass out for longer this time!

It was nearing two in the morning when I decided it was time to head back to my apartment and wash up before starting work again.

I clapped my hands together, letting the ball of energy floating around the room fade out until I was surrounded by darkness. I climbed up the stairs and out of the basement before recasting the cloak on the door. Once my crystals were all back in their designated areas and everything was cleaned up, I exited my shop and locked the door behind me.

It was then that I noticed I forgot to put my clothes back on. With a quick glance around me I slowly raked my hands down my body, casting an illusion so that it looked like I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt before starting the long walk to my apartment.

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