Passing my Genin Exams

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(Hasari Pov)
I shoot awake in a could sweat panting heavily as the memories from my dream replay in my head.

Sitting up I go shower getting ready for the Genin exams.

I put on my outfit for today which was my usual attire but in different color my jacket was black with clan symbol in white on the back and on the shoulders. I had a white crop top that showed my stomach with my clan symbol on the back in black, black Anbu pants, black ninja shoes, and fingerless black gloves.

Brushing my hair out I put it in 2 braids and have then hanging out my jacket. Walking out my room I go to Kakashi's room to find him still sleep.

"Kakashi get up" I say in my normal blank voice but he doesn't budge.

"I will burn your book" I say he doesn't even move.

Grabbing his book I make fire appear in my hand just as I get ready to burn the book I was tackled to the ground. Kakashi was looking at me as if I was crazy which I was.

"Okay okay I'm up let me get ready" he says and walks to the bathroom.

Going downstairs going to the kitchen I grab myself a red apple.

Soon I start eating it soon Kakashi comes down in his usual Jounin outfit.

Pulling my hood up I'm making it cover my eyes I grab my backpack before walking out the house heading to the academy.

Once we arrive I walk inside the class people look at me. Boys look at me with hearts in their eyes. I ignore then taking a seat sit on a desk.

"Okay now Hasari stay away from my Sasuke" Ino and Sakura says.

I roll my covered eyes before releasing some KI making the girls scream running away.

Giving them a death glare causing them all shudder. One by one people were called to take the exams.

"Hasari" once my name was called I jump from the desk walking inside the room

"Okay Hasari all you have to do is make shadow clones" Iruka says.

I nod glaring at Mizuki then without hand signs make 30 shadow clones. Both Jounin were staring at me shocked

"You pass" Iruka says I disable the jutsu and go get a headband I see a black one and tie it around my neck.

Walking out I see everyone's family congratulating them. I frown why couldn't I have that a loving family or clan.

"Little Red" I hear Shika yells to me making me turn to him walking towards him I see his parents my auntie and uncle.

"Hasari " they say hugging me I tense up and they noticed but I calm down.

"What did they do to you...but most importantly your singing again" Auntie says says.

I let out a crazy smile I don't have a normal smile. I look seeing Naruto all along I go walking to him I see he doesn't have a headband.

"Naruto" I say he looks up at me before jumping up hugging me.

I tense up before slowly hug him back rubbing his head you see Naruto is to my chest.

"I believe in you" I say before pulling away and walking away.

Walking until Konohamaru runs jumping in my arms I stumble a bit but hold him.

I see a Jounin running to him it's seems Konohamaru doesn't want to be around the ninja. Letting my chakra surround us we vanish to somewhere else.

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