Chapter 22: A Creepy Little Girl and New People

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Water pored down on me as I walked across the grassy plains. I headed to an overhang to escape the freezing rain. It was deep enough that the water couldn't reach me but still aloud for the grass to grow. I sat down and started wringing water out of my cloths.

A few a month ago I heard of a land called Garðarshólmi. The humans said that it was a beautiful land filled with fertile land. However after making my way up here all I have seen is freezing rain and grass plains. Not a single plant that was above four hands tall. Not that I was complaining the area is wonderful. Mountains littered the area causing the terrain to be treacherous. A trully wild area.

I laid my cloths out flat to let it dry. A scuffing sound came from behind me. I turned to see a man with pointy ears sanding just under the overhang watching me. It looked like he had come under to shelter in the rain only to see me.

"Well hello there. Quite the morbid weather isn't it?" I smiled. The man became more cautious. "Do you live around here?"


"I see." I walked over to the wall and sat down leaning against it. If he didn't want to talk I wouldn't force him. I watched as the rain created a temporary waterfall from it running off the rocks. The man came further in to get completely out of the rain. He glanced at my cloths laying on the ground.

"Ah, well it was to get the water to dry off. I don't want to wear wet cloths." He nodded and started wringing out his own. [ But still he is an unusual looking elf. ] I had seen many different elves in my travels but he looked completely different from any of them. Dark dusky skin like the earth elves found in rocky areas and black hair like the eastern elves however with a purple twinge, and golden eyes.

As I was zoning out watching the rain the elf had come closer. I glanced up. "Yes?"

The elf stared for a while then asked. "Do you control elements?" I tilted my head in confusion at the question. The elf pointed at my wet cloths then at me. [ Ah, is it because I'm dry? ]

"Well something like that." He nodded and sat down.

"My name is Corey Einar."

"Nice to meet you I'm Raul. No last name." Corey nodded but didn't say anything more. "... Corey I have a question. What kind of elf are you?" He stiffened a little but still spoke.

"I am an elf of Dökkálfr and Ljósálfr decent. As such my race is unclear. That is why I am called Corey."

"Is that so? Well what brings you all the way out here in this weather Corey?" [ A Dark and a Light elf mix? Thats unusual. ]

He was quite for a moment. "There is no reason. I only walked then ended here."

"I see. Do you know if there are any towns around here?"

He nodded. "I will lead you to one when the rain stops."

"Lead me to one? You can just tell me where it is and I'll find it."

Corey shook his head. "I will lead you."


"It is what the earth wants."

"Wha.... slam!

"Ow..." I laid on the floor of the office. [ I must of fallen asleep at my desk. ] "Sigh..." I stood up and placed the chair back in place. Rubbing my head I walked out of the office. [ Lets go see Mori. ] I headed over to the Undertaker's. It around 3 am but I knew Mori would be up doing her research.

I walked through the door to see coffins running along the walls and randomly stacked on the floor. They came in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials. A door leading to Mori's living area was on the opposite wall. I wove my way through the caskets to the door.

"Mori." I called. The room was overflowing in pink and white furniture. Stuffed animals and other toys laid around the room. A large teddy bear that was in the corner of the room stood up and walked over. It was missing an eye and had patches all over with the occasional stuffing poking out.

The mouth of the bear ripped open and spoke. "Good Morning Kaz. I will lead you to where Master is." Stuffing started spilling out of its mouth as it spoke. "Follow me." It shoved the stuffing back in and walked off up to the roof of the building.

Mori was sitting at the edge kicking her feet as she watched something in the distance. "Oh, Teddy why are you here?"

"Teddy has brought Master Kaz." Mori jumped up and tackled me.

"Kaz!! Are you here to play?" She asked while rubbing her head against me.

"... No Mori I'm not here to play with you today. I came because the 'Resident' said that you know things about the tension in Shadow Wood."

"Boo, Teddy Kaz didn't come to play." Mori grabbed onto the bears arm as she pouted.

"Well if you tell me what I want to know I'll play with you." Mori brightened up and started twirling around. In the process she ripped the bear's arm off. "Mori the Town."

"Right, ummmm.... Lets see. You know about the hole in the ground and the humans.... Oh, the Vampires now have cute fluffy cats. They ate so cute. I'm sure that they would make excellent corpses. What else... A gremlin child died but it was given to Terry to revive. That was so disappointing. I wanted to make him look cute and place him in the perfect coffin." She pouted slightly when she said that. "Such a waste. There was something else...... Right! The Coven is going to start a fight with the new wizards in town!" She threw the bear arm into the air.

"What?" [ Wizards? When did they come? ] Mori looked at me confused.

"Is that not what you wanted to know? I'm sorry but that's all I know about."

"No, that is exactly what I want to know. Thank you. Can you tell me where to find these Wizards?"

Mori smiled brightly. "Sure can. They stay over by the wall."

"I see, thank you." I turned to walk away only Mori grabbed my arm.

"Are we not going to play Kaz?"

"No, we will play next time."

"Awww, sniff, Teddy show Kaz out." The bear walked over and opened the door while holding its other arm in its mouth.

"..." I walked out of the Undertaker's and started heading off to the wall... [ Wait which direction? .... I guess I'll just walk the wall until I find them. Sigh... ]

An Unusual Town: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now