Chapter 9 : Friends are Noisy

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I sat in my office filling out the days paper work. It was night time now and I needed to have it all done by midnight. The door opened reviling a darkly clothed figure that walk/floated its way to in front of my desk. "Good evening Kaz."

"Good evening 'Resident'. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. Here for you." A shadowed hand held out an ice cream cone with Vanilla ice cream. "The present you asked for."

"Hahaha. Are you serious? Thanks. I was just thinking that I needed something to eat." I took the ice cream.

"I have heard some interesting things tonight about you."

"Ho, and what did you hear?"

"I heard that you have let humans into the town, for one thing. While that is the least interesting thing I've heard tonight lets start there." I could feel some disapproval from it.

"Sigh.. Not you too. The humans are from Redroad. As they have helped us a great number of times it is only right that we help them too. Also we are the cause of this 'Zombie' Apocalypse, as they call it."

"I see that you still do not know what Zombies are. You can read about them in the library if you would like. I do believe that there are quite a few books on them in the fiction section."

"You know about them as well?"

"Of course. I believe that it is only you who does not know of them." I frowned a little causing the "Resident" to laugh. "Well don't let it get to you. Anyway I can understand why you let them in now. Would you like any help convincing the rest of the citizens here about them?"

"No that is alright. I've already taken care of it."

"Oh... Is that so? How disappointing. Did the Council take it well?"

"Not very well but that is to be expected."

"Hmmm. Anyway lets move on to a more interesting subject." It felt like a smirk appeared on it's face. "I also heard that you have a new person living with you. From what I understand it is a person from Redroad."

"Well I can say that your information is both right and wrong. I do in fact have a new person living with me but they are not from Redroad. Also you should know better than to make fun of me." I glared at the "Resident", but that only made his smile bigger.

"I am sorry. How about you tell me all about this new person that has latched itself to you."

"Sigh, You really.... Never mind. Lets see. I think the first thing you should know is that she is a wood elf. So stay away from her. You might kill her with your presents."

The "Resident's" smile vanished. "Yes this is true, but she will not be safe with you. If anything you are more dangerous to her than me."

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