Chapter 13

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(A/N): Touché, touché.
Guys, I wanna do something special for you all. Anything you guys would like?
By the way I'm lazy so this skipped a month >~<

Katelyn's POV-
"Aphmau! I don't need a baby shower yet! We don't even know it's gender!" I exclaim as Aphmau busily plans a party. "Nonsense! We'll just have another one when we find out whether it's a boy or a girl!"
I facepalm and shove a large scoop of ice cream in my mouth. It's been about a month, and I've already gotten random cravings. Right now I'm feeling ice cream. "That's not how baby showers work Aphmau..." I groan.
"Babies! I love babies!" Aphmau squeaked, doodling a baby on the party planner.
"Aph, are you OK?"
"Yep! Actually, I'm better than OK! I'm great! Aaron said I could have we could have a baby after we got married!" Aphmau squealed, her voice becoming so high-pitched it hurt my ears.
"That's great Aph! I'm sure you'll be a great mom! But seriously, you should be more concerned about your wedding. It's only three weeks away!"
"Nonsense! I have plenty of time for babies!" Aphmau protested. She's getting more and more like her mom every day, my Irene!
"Especially our baby." A voice purred, and hands wrapped around my growing belly.
"Travis! Support me on this!" I demanded, and Travis simply laughed.
Vlyad and Kawaii~Chan have finally moved out, and Dante and Travis moved out of the guys house. Travis now lived with me, Dante with Vlyad. Dante betyer hurry up and take Vlyad as his own, Vlyad's a clueless little chicken nugget and I've seen Gene making eyes at him.
"So, when are you two getting married?" Aphmau asked excitedly.
"What?!" Travis and I cough at the same time, heat rushing to our faces.
"Aphmau, we won't be getting married anytime soon." I tell her gently, and she pouted.
"But you're having his baby! You have to get married!" Aphmau protested.
"Maybe, one day." Travis stated calmly. "But neither one of us is ready for that level of commitment just yet."
"I'm hungry." I blurt out, despite having lunch and a bowl of ice cream.
Travis laughed and replied with, "I'll get you something. Like a salad. Something healthy."
I sighed. This is going to be a long pregnancy.

(A/N): I know it's short, I'm sorreh, but don't forget to comment something I can do for you guys!

Remembering You (Travlyn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن