Le Tagged

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I got tagged by:
OMI that was sweet thank chu ♡

Anyways, here are the answers to the questions, I'll do every 5:

1.Full name~Can't tell you that due to privacy reasons ♡

5.BFFs~ I have a lot of best friends. I've know BuisnessPigeon since 1st grade irl, Saestrol is my online best friend, and RainbowprettyUnicorn is a good friend too irl. Luv ya!

10. Piercings~Earrings, that's it.

15.Username~IDEK, My cousin made it for meh XD

20.3 Things That Make Me Happy~Family, Friends, and NARWHALS

25.Favorite Holiday-XMAS, GET TO SEE MY FAM ♡♡

30. Favorite Animals~NARWHALS AND KITTES. DUH.

35. Where I Work~Schul. ;P

40.Favorite Store~Barnes and Nobles

45.Celebrity Crushes~Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Sebastian Todd.

50.Any Question You'd Like~Um, how about you comment any question and I'll answer it?

THANKS TO Diamond_Spakles FOR THIS :D

Remembering You (Travlyn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن