Chapter 4

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(A/N): Thank shu for reading!!
(Get the terrible pun ;3)
-throws out pinapples-
By the way I tried to make Travis's backstory simular to his in MCD.

Travis's POV-

I open my eyes to see me. It's not me, but I know it is. I look around...three years old? A woman gently rocks me. She had beautiful white, silky hair and emerald green eyes. My...mother. She hasn't come to visit me. The door behind my mother swings open, slamming against the wall. The woman, my mother, screams as a figure steps into the room. He's panting heavily, holding an empty bottle in one hand and a gun in the other.
"'t like you..." He growled, pointing the gun at the younger me and my mother, aim sloppy because he's drunk. He was always drunk, though he hadn't always been like this. Something changed. He was different from when I was an infant. He would play with me and always wore a smile.
"Please, no, don't!" The woman sobbed, holding me close to her chest.
The baby is now crying, because his mommy is crying. Why's she crying? If mommy is crying, he's crying too.
He pants, lazily pointing the gun again. He's my...father.
"No!" The woman screams, and he shoots.
It doesn't hit me, nor my mom, not by a long shot. It hits the wall. Police sirens are heard in the distance.
"Please, it's over, just go willingly." She pleaded again, weeping with fear and sorrow.
"It's not over until you are!" My father screeched and shot again. This time, it hit home. My mom tumbled onto the floor, still holding me tightly, and I screamed for her as the light left her eyes. He killed her. My dad shot my mother in the head.
The police barge in, and my dad shoots and them as well. He gets one or two injured before they overtake him and drag him away. One officer feels for my mothers pulse. "Dead." He tells a companion sadly.
"Look, she has a baby with her." The companion pointed out, a female, and scooped me up. I was still crying. I want my mommy back. I want my mommy back.
"Poor thing." The first officer looks around, sees my name painted on the walls. "Don't worry...Travis. You're in safe hands now."

I woke up, tears streaming down my face and sweat plastering my clothes to me.
The door swung open and it revealed my mentor, Dante, and his assistant, Nicole. After a week and a half in rehabilitation, I'm starting to understand more and more. I've learned I live with three other people. I have some friends too, and apparently I'm the 'funny and flirty' type. But the dream...I stare at them for a few seconds before completely breaking down, not even noticing them run to my side.
"Travis?! Travis, dude! What's wrong!" Dante asked frantically, running over.
"" I choked on my words.
Nicole's eyes widened. "You remembered something, didn't you?" She asked softly.
I nodded, trying to wipe away the constant stream of tears. "My dad...he wasn't....he wasn't a good person...he...he..." The tears intensified as I began to scream. "HE KILLED HER! HE SHOT MY MOM! WHERE IS HE? I-"
"Travis, we looked up your relations. Your dad died in prison three years ago." Dante said.
"G-good, he d-deserved it." I wiped away my tears. "Can we do this l-later?"
"Sure, Travis, take all the time you need." Nicole nodded, grabbed Dante's wrist and left. Dante looked slightly uncomfortable. He had confided in my everyone thought him and Nicole were a thing, but he had the hots for someone else.
I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I wanted someone to talk to...not them, someone close. But I had no one close yet. Maybe, though, just maybe...I picked up the list of numbers Dante gave me and my phone, prayed, and called the one person I could think of: Katelyn.

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