Chapter 7

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(A/N): OMI the views on this skyrocketed! Thanks so much! ♡
BTW, I'm thinking of adding OCs, (as long as they don't cannon any of the ships in here X3 So if you want, comment down below your characters ref sheet and I'll see if I can put it in! I'm adding my OC so it's only fair ^.^)
Katelyn's POV-
I taped a green balloon to the wall, humming to a 1D song. Don't judge me. Travis was returning today. He's our responsibility now. It's going to be so different! Travis told me he's slowly getting more memories back. That's good. It's been a month. Maybe he'll get them all back within a year. That would be great.
Travis hasn't bugged me about the 'Tsundere' thing, which I am so grateful for. Tsundere means someone who acts cruelly to their love. If Travis found out, he'd know I like him. And that'd just complicate his recovery.
"Katelyn! Travis's here!" Aphmau screamed from the porch, and I rolled my eyes and stepped outside.
"I'm right here, no need to yell." I sighed.
"Hehe...oops!" Aphmau giggled as Travis came up behind us, Dante following.
"Hello ladies! You're...Aphmau, right? I've seen you once or twice."
Dante nodded encouragingly, and Travis looked pleased.
"Yes, I'm Aphmau. Garroth and Laurnace are in the back grilling, or trying to, and the others come in around ten minutes. Kawaii~Chan and Vlyad are coming earlier, though, they should be here soon.
We were having a small get-together to celebrate Travis's return. Aphmau was here because she loved planning parties, Garroth and Laurnace lived here, and I'm here for obvious reasons.
"Who's Kawaii~Chan? I've heard of Vlyad...a lot...but not Kawaii~Chan."
Dante looked slightly embarrassed, but Aphmau didn't notice.
"Well, me, Katelyn, Vlyad, and Kawaii~Chan all live in that house, across from you." Aphmau pointed to our house. "Kawaii~Chan is one of your friends, she's a Meif'wa, loves to bake, and is well...kawaii."
"I see. So, why is Vlyad living with you? Are one of you girls him?" Travis asked, and Dante flushed red with anger.
"NO!" He yelled, surprising us all. Dante turned pink, and seemed flustered. "I mean...he's staying there temporarily until he gets a house..."
"Yep! I'm a loner! A hot loner, mind you." An extra voice chuckled, who I identified as Vlyad.
"V-Vlyad! Hi!" Dante seemed even more embarrassed. Oh my Irene, he told me he didn't like Nicole, and was crushing on someone else. Could that be Vlyad?  (Do not judge meh. I ships it.)
"I-I'm going to make sure Laurnace and Garroth aren't burning the food..." He muttered quietly, quickly leaving.
Vlyad raised his eyebrow, watching him leave, and shook his head. Oh my Irene I ship it.
"So, I live here, right? Seems like a cool place!" Travis chirped, oblivious to the tension.
"Travis~Kun! Kawaii~Chan is so happy to see Travis~Kun! Kawaii~Chan baked Travis~Kun some sweets, but Kawaii~Chan was too busy to deliver them! Here!" Kawaii~Chan popped out from behind Vlyad, pushing a basket of sweets in Travis's arms.
"Wow, um, thanks? I'm assuming you're Kawaii~Chan." Travis chucked, putting the basket on their outdoor table.
"Travis~Kun is right!" Kawaii~Chan squeaked, then ran inside. Everyone followed but Travis and I.
"Weird..." Travis murmured, and I laughed.
"Yeah, Kawaii~Chan can be like that."
Travis turned to me, eyes gleaming. "Ah, Katelyn! Glad to see ya! How've ya been, princess?" He asked playfully, and I lightly kicked him in the shin.
"See you've begun to redevelop your old habits,  huh?" I laughed.
"With the help of Dante and Vlyad, yeah!" Travis laughed with me.
"Wait. Hold up. Vlyad?" I asked.
"Yeah. Apparently Nicole and Dante had some sort of fight, and Dante's begun to bring Vlyad to my therapy instead." He lowered his voice. "I think they'd go well together."
I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. "Oh my Irene yes! I ship it!"
Travis chuckled slightly, then pointed down the street. "Look, people are coming!"
I saw the blurry figures of Cadenza and Nicole.
Aphmau ran out. "Guests are here! Guests! Are! Here!" She screamed, running around in circles.
"Aph, calm down!" I exclaimed.

{2 hour time skip brought to you by: Your fridge. *glares suspiciously at fridge*}

Ding dong!
"Who could that be? Everyone's here." Aphmau stood up.
"I got it." I stand up as well, opening the door.
A young woman stood their, only a few years older than me. Her white hair, streaked with black and blue, was tied back in a ponytail, and she wore a thin brown sweater with skinny jeans. She fixed her glasses and lay her emerald green eyes on mine, while halting a stroller. In the stroller was a baby with brown eyes and blonde hair, gazing up inquisitively at me. "Hello. I see I've interrupted your party, I'm sorry, but this is urgent. Does Travis Valcrum live here?" She asked.
"Um, yeah...Travis! It's for you!" I
Travis head towards the door and J turned to her. "How do you know him? And where he lives? I haven't seen you around.
"Well, I'm pretty sure I know the Travis here. I'd like to discuss my relations to him with himself, if you don't mind. To answer your second question, I've been searching for him for quite some time, and recently found an article on a man's arrest who ran over a Travis Valcrum and ran. I-I-" Her gaze darted behind me and she chocked on her words. Tears filled her eyes. I turned to see Travis, who was staring at the woman with tears in his eyes as well. What's going on.
"I-I finally found you." She cried, burying her face in her hands.
"I-Is that you?" He chocked, stepping towards her and placing a shaky hand on her shoulder.
"I did it. I found you!" I realized she was crying tears of joy as her voice took a happy tone. "My Irene, I searched everywhere for you! We have so much to talk about! I've missed you so much.I've kept my promise."
Travis enveloped her in a tight hug. Now, everyone was watching the emotional scene. I felt a pang of jealously.
"I remember that promise...I lost my memory. I don't remember much. But I remember you. But...what's your name?"
The woman laughed. "You forgot my name? Well, can't blame you, I figured you'd lose your memory after analyzing the car crash."
Travis laughed and held her tighter, crying with happiness. "Still as smart as I remember you. I...I can't believe you're here...I thought I lost you!"
"I'm a woman of my word, Travis. I swore I'd find my way back to you, and I did. My name's Charlotte, by the way."
"I see...that's a beautiful name."
That's where I lost it. "That's it! Who the heck are you and how do you know Travis!" I yelled at her.
Travis looked at me, suprised, and broke away from the hug. Charlotte simply laughed, which got on my neves. "What's so funny?"
"You've jealous of me! Ha! Please, though I'd obviously be the obvious choice for a girlfriend," She dramatically flipped her hair and Travis giggled. "That isn't the case here. I see Travis hasn't told you about me...understandable. We got separated in the orphanage."
"What? Childhood friend?"
"Please, would I go through all of the trouble it took to find him for a half-remembered childhood friend? Travis, your girl is slow to catch on."
Travis blushed. "She's not my girl!"
"That's what they all say!" Charlotte winked. "Anyways, no, I'm not some old buddy. I'm his biological sister."

(A/N): Yay!  OCs! >w<
So emotional though XD
Don't forget to enter an OC if you want to!! ↓↓

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