Fix You- Miss Mystic Falls

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Elena and I walked down the stair case together, Elena carrying her black dress bag on her arm and with me carrying a small bag of makeup and hair supplies for her. She went to the door to answer the knock, swinging it open to reveal Alaric all dressed up. I sent him a smile.

"Hey," Elena greeted.

"You look great, Alaric," I complimented.

"Thanks. You clean up pretty well yourself," he returned. "Um...I'll take that for ya."

He took Elena's dress for her and entered the house, closing the door behind him.

"How uh- how is Stefan?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Elena said confused.

"Is something wrong?" I asked feeling concerned.

"No, no...nothing's wrong. It's just, you know, he seems...on edge," he commented.

Elena nodded.

"Well he went through a lot," she replied. "He was in bad shape for a while, but he's bouncing back now."

I studied Alaric's face, noticing how he didn't seem all that convinced. He clearly believed otherwise. Before I could question it, Uncle John entered the room.

"Alaric," he said surprised. "Hey buddy, what are you doing here?"

Elena made herself scarce the moment Uncle John entered, leaving me alone in the tense atmosphere between Uncle John and Alaric. Alaric looked at me, almost like he was asking for help.

"He's driving us," I answered. Alaric nodded.

"Oh. I thought I was driving," John said.

"No need," Jenna said as she came down the stairs. "We're going with Rick."

"Ready?" Elena asked hastily, walking through the room to the door.

Jenna nodded and looked at John.

"Jeremy can ride with you," she told him. "Ready, Sam?"


Though I felt bad about leaving John behind, I felt worse about leaving Jeremy with him...


Up in the makeup room, Jenna held the curler in Elena's hair while I wiped away smudges from her eyeliner.

"Thanks for helping me, you two," she said then.

"Don't thank me until you're sure your hair isn't going to burn off!" Jenna joked.

"I thought I saw smoke," I teased.

She grinned at me and Elena chuckled before looking down sadly.

"You know...I remember when Mom and I first applied for this," she began. "She was so excited."

"You were too," I reminded her. "She made it sound much fun. I was jealous I couldn't enter with you."

Elena smiled and held my hand.

"I remember that," she said. "Then Jeremy told you that you couldn't enter until you grew past five foot three."

"You're still too short, sweetie," Jenna teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Lots changed since then, though," Elena went on.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's a little late for cold feet," Jenna told her.

Fix You (A Vampire Diaries Fan-Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora