Fix You- Miss Mystic Falls

Start from the beginning

There was no way Elena was going to drop out. She was going to do it for Mom. I would next year.


I sat at Chastity's house, flipping my phone over in my hand while she balanced a very high stack of tea cups.

"These things are real China," she told me. "Incentive for me not to let them fall and break. Aunt Claire'll kick my ass if I do."

I stayed quiet.

"You know, I don't really think it's fair what Bonnie's doing. To be completely honest, I think she's being a little bit dramatic, but I understand where she's coming from."

I didn't reply, just continued flipping my phone.

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."


"So you are listening."

I sighed and set my phone down on my side.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm just..."

"Not here," she deduced. "I noticed."

I sighed again and sank in my chair.

"So you never told me how telling Jeremy the truth went," she said. "Was he angry?"

"Very," I answered. "Rightfully so. He asked me not to say anything to Elena about him knowing because he wants to confront her on his own at his own time."

"Understandable," she nodded. "And...Bonnie?"

I gave her a look before numbly looking back to the floating cups.

"I figured," she sighed. "You know why, don't you?"

"I have an idea," I admitted. "She's barely looked at Stefan since she got back. She blames him and Damon, doesn't she?"

"Oh yeah," Chastity confirmed. "She blames them and she doesn't want to have anything to do with them. She also understands that Elena is in love with Stefan and she doesn't want to make her choose between the epic love or her best friend. She also doesn't want to make you choose between her and your best friends."

I straightened up.

"I wouldn't say Damon and I are best friends," I said weakly.

"What are you and Damon exactly?"

I gaped at the question. We were friends. Of course, we were friends. That was it.

"Just friends," I told her. "It gets annoying how impulsive he can be and how he kills people- namely family members- without a single thought. But, we're friends."

"Right, friends," she drawled unconvinced. "Anyway..."

"Hey," I spoke up. "How have things been going with trying to convince Olivia to practice?"

"Ugh," Chastity rolled her eyes. "She's being a brat. 'I don't want powers!' this, 'I'm not anybody's bodyguard' that."


The cups fell, but stopped before they hit the table. Chastity's eyes had widened and her hands reached out. She let out a sigh of relief when the cups went back as I stared at her in shock.

"Yeah," she said clearing her throat. "Uh...bodyguard...we're essentially bodyguards to the Bennetts."

"Oh," I replied.

I eyed her suspiciously. There was something she wasn't telling me. Something she's been keeping from me for a while. As much as I wanted to ask what, I knew she would tell me in her own time. I had no right to be demanding people to tell me their secrets. Not when I've kept so many of my own.

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