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I knew exactly who to call.Billy.He picked up after the 3rd ring.


"Hey Billy,it's Jesabelle."I didn't know if he could tell I was crying.

"Hey.I'm playing video games with Spencer.Kelli was on her way over.What's up?"I could hear Spencer yelling at the game in the background.

"Cody cheated on me,"I sniffled.

"We're on our way over."

Billy hung up.Usually,I would of called Alli,but she reminds me of...


Yuck.I sat there in my room,waiting for them to come.Soon enough I heard the shuffle of feet coming closer to my closed door.

"Are you decent?"Really Spencer?You had to ask that?

"Yeah,Spence,"I smile,wiping a tear.

Kelli,Billy and Spencer walk in.Kelli sits on my bed with me,while Billy and Spencer take the couch.I start to tell them what happened.

"Wow.He's such a jerk,"Kelli decided.

"You know Jes,I wouldn't do that,"Spencer winked.

"Now's not the time dude!"Billy whisper yelled.

"Cody told me that when we first started dating,"I said quietly.

"Aww,it's okay girl.He's just another loser that didn't realize how lucky he was to have you,"Kelli said,comforting me by rubbing my back.

"Kelli has a point there,"Billy pointed out,smiling.

"Mhm,"Spencer nods.

"Thanks guys.You're the best,"I smiled,sniffling a little.

"Anything for you!"Spencer shouted,getting up and hugging me.


Everyday I had been hanging out with Kelli,Billy or Spencer.Sometimes it was Billy and Spencer or Kelli and Billy.A couple of times it was Spencer and Kelli.We always had fun together,which made me forget me and Cody's break up.But,today was the day he came home,and I knew I would somehow have to face him.

"Cody,"Alli whined from outside,"Hurry up your lazy butt!"

"I'm coming,I'm coming,"I heard Cody mumble.

I was sitting on the balcony,using my laptop.I was on Twitter,replying and following some people.I'm pretty sure the Jody fans knew we broke up...They were trending "MEND JODY'S HEART" which I thought was kind of cute.

I tweeted,"Broken hearts are the last steps in love," before carrying my MacBook inside my room with me.

In A Heartbeat *A Cody Simpson Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now