Part 2-Back to Life

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I woke up feeling dizzy.I was in a hospital room,as far as I could tell.How'd I get here...?I saw a blonde boy with blue eyes that looked my age.Next to him sat a girl that looked like him.I was one adult that looked familiar and another adult that reminded me of the blonde kids.Nest to the adults stood a cute little boy with spiked up brown hair.

"Sis!You're alive!"the boy said,hugging me.

"Do I know you?"I croaked.

"What do you mean?I'm Michal,you're little brother!"he pouted.

"Michal,Michal,"I kept repating,wondering why it was so familiar,"Michal!"

"You remember me!"Michal laughs happily,hugging me again.

The woman who looked familiar walked up to me.

"I'm your mom,Jesabelle."

"Mom!"I said happily,my voice raspy.

My mom hugged me,squeezing me quickly.Then she let go.The boy with the blonde hair came up to me.

"I'm Cody.Cody Simpson,"he said,holding out  his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you,Cody,"I beamed,shaking his hand.

The blonde girl came up to me.She hugged me.

"I'm Alli.I'm Cody's sister."

"i figured.You guys look alike,"I chuckled.

"We do not!"they snapped at the same time.

I internally rolled my eyes at them as another woman approached me.

"I'm Angie,Cody and Alli's mother."

"Nice to meet you."Then,I added to the siblings,"Nice to meet you guys too."

Alli smiled while Cody gave me a sad smile.Wonder what's got him so down.

"Hey do you think you could get me some food mom?"

"Of course,dear,"she smiled.

"I'll come too,"added Angie.

"Me three!"shouted Michal.

They left the room,leaving me with Alli and Cody.I saw Alli look at Cody and I.

"I'll leave you two alone,"she said,heading out of the room.

"So..."Cody said awkwardly.

"Tell me stuff about yourself."

"I'm a famou singer,I-"

"No way!You're famous?"

"Yeah,"he chuckled,continuing,"I love the color blue,I'm a pro swimmer,my favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla and i think you're cute."

I blushed and asked,"How old are you?"

"I am 14."

"Same here."

"I know,"he said smiling sadly.

"What's wrong?"I asked,concerned.

"Never mind.Do you know what happened to you?"

"No,I was hoping someone would tell me."

"Well,you got hit by a car and you've been in a coma for 3 months.Your doctor predicted you'd wake up today,so we were all here waiting.If you had been in a coma any longer they would of pulled the plug."

"God thing I woke up then.When am I being released?"i questioned,becoming curious.

"Probably tomorrow."

"Cool.Maybe we can hang out!"

"Yeah!"Cody agreed,smiling a real smile.


She doesn't remember him.GASP!LOL,anyway,hope you liked.Something interesting will happen in the next chapter,I promise.


In A Heartbeat *A Cody Simpson Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now