The vibrant, yet dark brown hair fell below her shoulders. Plump pink lips smiling at me as she started to slowly blush. The blue within her eyes was a colour I had never seen on a person. Light and distracting but natural all together. Her blue eyes matched the colour of her dress. The dress that covered her legs as she sat…in a wheelchair.

“Oh…” I sighed to myself as I leaned against the limo.

She rolled her chair towards me as I walked closer, meeting her in the middle.

“Hi, I’m [y/n]” she smiled, snow white teeth beaming at me.

“Harry.” I smiled back as the limo driver came around and opened the door for us to get in.


She rolled herself alongside me as we walked through the quaint tunnel, entering the wide room that housed my prom.

“You look really nice.” She spoke, smiling up at me.

“So do you.” I smiled down at her and then returned my gaze down the narrow tunnel.

“Oh no.” I whispered in a heavy breath. From the corner of my eye I saw her look up at me confused as to why we stopped. My ex- girlfriend and her new guy blocking our way. The awkward air clearly noticeable.

“Uh, hi Harry.” She mumbled. “I came with Jonathan. He’s a senior in collage.” She giggled as he squeezed her waist closer into his body making me bite the inside of my cheek to help from doing anything I’d regret.

“No, uh, it’s fine really.”

She smiled as both of her hands knotted together in front of her. The tied hands pointed at [y/n] as she spoke. “Going to introduce your date Harry?” she smiled from the stiff air.

“Oh this is-”

“Make a wish.” She answered, cutting me off completely.

“Yeah…uh, it was her wish to come, and so I brought her.” I slightly shrugged to myself hopping none of the other three noticed.

“Ok, cool.” She answered as Jonathan took her hand leading her in the direction we came from. Quiet byes being exchanged as they disappeared behind a wall.

I looked down at the beautiful girl sitting in the wheelchair. Both eye brows raised with a wide smile present as she started to chuckle rolling herself into the room.

As we walked through the doors we were greeted by a photographer who quickly snapped our picture leaving us to stand in the entrance. The slow dance was taking place as all the couples held each other on the dance floor swaying to the slow tempo of the music. A few of the familiar faces turned towards us, disgusted and shocked faces aimed at me as we stood there.

“I want to dance.” She said; the cheery sound in her voice audible.

“I think we should talk fist.” I nervously responded as I looked from her wheelchair to the dance floor where many people stood twirling.

“No.” she quickly said. Pushing herself through the space onto the floor. Certain faces not going unnoticed as she moved towards the middle. Me trailing behind her.

The slow music started to pick up. My odd dance moves surfacing as she boogied from left to right in her seat. Still managing to look perfect even if she was seated. Songs continued to play but they couldn’t be counted as the time felt like it was flying over our heads.

I walked over to the punch stand and filled two cups bringing one back for her. “It’s getting late.” She muttered in between sips. I nodded and grabbed her chair pushing her through the slowly decreasing crowd, out into the night air. Our cups left forgotten on the table.

As we stepped into the star filled night I watch my limo drive away. A few jocks sticking their heads out the window snickering. The blonde hair sticking from the sunroof caught my attention before they continued out of sight.

“Really, my limo too.” I grumbled.

“…Walk me home through the park?” [y/n] asked.

“The park?” I mumbled in irritation. I gave into her pure face, wide blue eyes staring up at me.

“Fine.” I smiled at her, pushing her chair through the gravel onto a flat path that curved into the park.

“You know you have funny hair.” She giggled as we walked through the serine park. “It fans out in any which way. All curly like…”

I smiled from her choice of words as she motioned it with her hands. “Thanks, I love knowing I have funny hair.”

“But it’s nice…I kind of like it.” She continued.

We got to a wide spread of grass. In perfect view of the sheet of stars that filled the sky. Small flecks of moon light shining onto her face. In a way that made her look more beautiful than she already was. I felt the chair get abruptly stopped. Her small hands blocking the wheels from spinning any farther before she pushed her self towards the grass. I stood watching her in confusion as she steered herself onto the furry patch of green.

“Come here.” She whispered, waving me over. I complied to her request and stopped in front of her looking rather confused as she continued to grin. Both arms outstretched to me, making her look like an infant than wanted to be carried.

“Come on, your strong…Pick me up.” She giggled. I grinned from her optimism and swooped my hands under her back and legs as her arms darted around my neck. The closest we’ve ever been, yet her body molded with mine perfectly.

“Now put me down on the grass.” She commanded me.

We both lay comfortably on the bumpy ground. I was surprised when her head nudged onto my shoulder as a pillow.

“Now, watch the stars.” She giggled in awe staring up at the sky although I couldn’t get my mind off of her. I turned my head and kissed the side of her face. She turned her head to me and left a lingering kiss to my lips. One that left my mouth craving her warm lips embrace. But she denied me the affection as she looked up at the sky again a grin on both our faces.


My eyes slowly opened to the feel of twitching on my arm. The bright light filled my eyes as I groaned. “Hey it morning.” The familiar voice spoke. My eyes instantly shot open as I comprehended what she said. “Shit.” I mumbled to myself already picking up her body and setting her into her chair. Pushing her towards her house at a running pace. The red bricked building neared and I saw Bill step out a mad expression shown on his elderly face.

“Harry.” He groaned in anger.

“I know I said twelve Bill-’

“That woman who keeps coming in to get birth control just called me ordering a few dozen condoms. I swear that woman’s mad.” He groaned completely blind sighting my late arrival.

“Hey daddy.” Her cherry voice interrupter our conversation.

“Hey pumpkin.” He slurred looking down at the gorgeous girl who had fallen asleep on me hours ago then back up at me. “Get on inside.” He told her.

She smiled and stood from the chair, walking the first couple of steps before turning back to me. “I had a great night Harry, I’ll be expecting your call.” She grinned then continued on inside as I watched completely shocked.

The girl who I had carried and pushed around didn’t actually have a disability. What?

“My daughters a handful I know. She’s an actress who loves to really know her character.”

“Actress?” I muttered, trying to recover from my shocked episode.

“Yeah, her last role she walked around town blindfolded for two whole weeks. Now she spends eighteen hours in that chair.”

“For her role.” I repeated, grasping the information that he was spilling out to me.

To think, 140 million people are signified actors. That’s 2% of the population. And I happen to have gone to my senior prom with and none other than an actress. 

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